Holy cow the app is so much faster and noticeably snappier!!! Excellent job, friends!
Amazing work!!
Very possible that they buy them from the same company
Yes, confirmed!!
I second Project Hail Mary
That is so valid and I’ve been considering doing something similar. What books API do you use? I tried various ones for a project a little while ago and was a bit disappointed in the data quality.
You could try asking your local Youth Services Librarian. They see so many books and often have some amount of research backgrounds. They also tend to LOVE this kind of mystery.
Ah damnit. I sorta thought this problem started on my old computer but I thought ‘Surely not. How could this problem be tied to my Apple ID??’ but your experience suggests I was correct. :/ was hoping it would eventually go away with a new device
Haha yeah I truly send the single required image a day and use it for nothing else bc it is a horrible platform. As soon as we lose the streak I’m deleting the app.
Thank you kind stranger!
An excellent point!
Amazing!!! I LOVE the swipe down to close the image! Y’all are doing great work!
Hmm that’s interesting. It should be upvote and downvote. And compact mode posts don’t collapse any further.
Oo I found a copy of the first one in one of those little libraries a few months back and have been meaning to get to it. I’ll bump it up on my list.
Honestly I haven’t read the Martian (just seen the movie) but I think you might have a better time with Hail Mary. The science is defiantly still prominent and robust but we don’t have a single main character which I think sews the science and story together better.
Yes I loved that arc! I loved that he does prove it true in the end.
Oh I definitely agree the Grace is a good person the whole time. He works so hard on this project mostly because of his kids. He wants them to have a future.
But going on the Hail Mary was the way to save the kids. He tried to say someone else could do it but conceded when Scott pointed out how bullshit that was. And when push came to shove he said “Okay, it’s true! I’m afraid! I don’t want to die! I worked my ass off on this project and I deserve to live!” (Pg 392)
But even though he worked his ass off to save earth and to find a solution, he decided that Rocky deserves to live, not him.
So I agree with your overall point, but I think Grace changed a lot too.
Omg same. I turn badges off for basically everything except texts
I love the icons in settings! I’m hella dyslexic and seeing the individual settings in the long lists of words can be super hard but the icons give me really easy and intuitive touch points that I can scan for instead. Y’all are amazing!