I have a strong feeling the US is going to contract in it’s world leadership role over the next 20 years, and I’m curious how many international base agreements will expire by 2050 and not be renewed.
I have a strong feeling the US is going to contract in it’s world leadership role over the next 20 years, and I’m curious how many international base agreements will expire by 2050 and not be renewed.
I feel everyone not in logistics and maintenance is excited about this.
I remember learning a bladder begins to spasm at 600mL, so we could actually use this spastic pressure to help us levitate. In this paper, I propose…
Will the density of my pee affect this?
How close does the other species need to be to transmit? Could I catch something from a dog, or even a republican?
I’d like to start this post with a list of caveats. I’m not a femboy, or a furry. I’m not fighting in the Ukraine war. And the picture with the blue striped socks, kinda slaps. That being said, let’s get into the post.
I can see how furry and femboy culture would be detrimental to the russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian society tends to be against this culture… failing to recognize that with a furry, it’s full go all the time… these blokes haven’t seen an aderal prescription since putting on a fur suit. Failing to take advantage of the quick, hyper movements of furries, and their practice running on all four’s, is an asset the russian military would be wise to deploy in war. Whether they will… remains to be seen.
Beauty is one thing, but your personality is a lure all its own.
If Trump wins in November, Europe should seriously consider creating a situation where Russia triggers Article 5 and war commences. Once the US was involved they can’t pull out or they would be kicked out of Europe, and lose their place on the world stage. China would take Taiwan and push the Philippines, and Europe would say “cool story, bro” when the US sought help.
That’s like camouflage in the fishing industry.
Ah yes, a Soylent White Cabernet.
The issue becomes caring for the boom population and maintaining a stable economy at the same time. Immigration is a natural support to the pressure of worker shortages, and countries that don’t accept this will learn long, hard lessons in capitalism, and pay a premium for end of life care to compete with other jobs in demand that are much more desirable.
Ah, your post history tells me you’re in texas, that explains your post. I understand your concern about immigrants coming into a country without proper verification, swarming across the land and replacing the actual native population. Such populations usually move in and immediately assume the land is theirs, and do their best to forget the legacy of the original native people. We can only hope that arrogance and bigotry becomes less common over time.
You know who else would make a fine leader for these great united states?
Like the emoluments clause matters any more. He can just collect his salary after he leaves office, as a treat.
“I’m giving 10 people one million dollars if the can pass House Appropriations Bill 5031.662.7H!”
I’ve started signing them all up for each other’s mailing lists.
The only thing both parties agree on is that rank or star voting is bad for them.
I have a laptop where half the keyboard doesn’t work and the mouse gave out, but my full paid Acrobat works, so I keep it.
The guy in front of them is thinking, “he didn’t by me a boob job, why do I have to listen to this?”
You are beautiful and you are always beautiful.