Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?
yooper F1 nerd
Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?
Holy wah, another Yooper on Lemmy.
“This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!”
I’ve used this extension successfully on Win10 to install PWAs, most recently Elk for Mastodon:
I know I’m not in the UP anymore whenever I start seeing these on Wisconsin and LP road trips lol
I was looking for this reply. Seconded lmao
It’s really crazy just how quick politics flipped in this state once we passed the redistricting referendum. Like, I knew there’d be a shift in power, but holy wah. The MI GOP basically owned this place for decades.
Yep, happily testing out Liftoff on iOS. I still find myself using Memmy more often but it’s close. Pretty nice to have a bunch of options to explore developing at such a high rate.
This aged well
Fortunately I don’t think you’ll have to wait too long. I’ve been using Memmy in Test Flight since really early builds and it’s extremely impressive how mature and feature rich this app has gotten. The last update (which are usually daily) made themes customizable to the point where I basically have the app looking like how I had Apollo customized. It’s close to being fully reviewed and approved for the App Store.
Say yah to da UP, eh!
Jag planerar att resa till Sverige igen under jul :) (förlåt - min svenska är inte så bra)
Jag har läst att klimatet är liknande på grund av “The Gulf Stream” (not sure what you call it in Swedish, it’s the warm water current in the Atlantic Ocean)
Having lived in Sweden for about a half year and visited a few other times (study abroad and lots of family there), geographically the whole country kind of reminds me of the midwest (barring the more frozen part way far north where the trees get smaller). The more wooded and snowy parts of the north remind me of the upper midwest, the south more akin to the large rolling fields of the farming parts of the midwest. Vänern feels like a Great Lake. The archipelago filled Baltic coastlines remind me a bit of the rockier Lake Superior coastlines of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. I could see why my grandpa and many other Swedes felt comfortable emigrating to this part of the country about a century ago.
I’ve been thinking about picking it up in the current Steam sale. Roughly how many hours do yo think it takes to complete at a pretty slow/casual pace? Mainly wondering if it’s worth $22.50 as I’ve read it’s a somewhat short game. Was going to wait for it to come down closer to $15 but I’m ready for a new casual/cute game now so I could be convinced to get it sooner rather than later lol
“Gut punch” feels weirdly accurate.
That makes sense. In regards to Aston though, were they able to build their new factory and start their new wind tunnel because they started before the caps came into effect? In that case a rival mid field team like Alpine really is in a tough spot.
According to James in the article, no they can’t. Hopefully the FIA can be convinced to relax capital expenditure regulations for smaller teams at least.
I knew Williams was underinvested, but wow. They need like 3 Ryan Reynolds to catch up.
Going to Canada this weekend! Also my first F1 event, not my first racing event though as I’ve been to Indycar and stage rally events. It’ll be fun to compare the experience with Indy specifically :)
Not the most original choice but being a yooper I’m biased towards Lake Superior. It’s cold to swim in but you get used to it and it’s always clean and clear. There’s a lot of nice beaches in Marquette too.
There’s a Superior beach in the Keweenaw peninsula in particular that’s my favorite though. It has beautiful “singing sands” and is shallow so it’s usually warmer water and has a really nice turquoise hue, almost Caribbean-like. And hardly anyone is ever there, only locals really know about it.
An overdue change imho. I wouldn’t have expected Ayao to be picked but he seems knowledgeable in his field and well liked from what I’ve read about him. I hope he finds as much success transitioning to the TP role as Andrea Stella and James Vowles have.