Wait. Do people go into Kmart and target weekly?
Wait. Do people go into Kmart and target weekly?
If it’s not built to code to code it can pose all sorts of safety hazards to your neighbours or future owners of your property. If you don’t bother getting approval you didn’t bother building it properly either.
At the slightly more silly end, your shed could lower the value of the neighbours property (because it looks like a meth lab, or just a general hillbilly grotto) and the law holds financial harm higher than physical harm most of the time.
Edit: also it’s not just you, it’s any meth head who decides to build their own shed. Laws need to cater for the lowest common denominator.
Why do you think the laws exist in the first place. Because there is some hurt to somebody else. You just can’t see it.
Just checked all 43 unis in this list and only Monash and carangie melon, which is an international uni, break the trend.
Australia doesn’t. We’re all .edu.au
Edit: here is the list of who uses it. Stands for academia if it wasn’t self evident to anyone else either.
2nd edit: having trouble with escaping characters in the link so it’s defaulting to the ac page when it should be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.ac_(second-level_domain)
What @hanni said. But they also split out the unemployment payment as the disability support payment. So it’s all the disabled pension too.
Greedy ? They’re both free products?
Not @niknah and I’m gonna guess they think it’s the coming lord and saviour. But it will be a part of technology going forward so kids should be taught what it is and isn’t.
It’s a cross between Siri and predictive text. It guesses and makes up things in an authoritative voice. So kids / people need to be taught not to trust it.
It’s basically a blender of the entire internet. It’ll just as likely tell you the pyramids were built by aliens because there are more words on the internet written about that then about the actual construction. Ask about any notable historical figure mainly known by their last name and their accomplishment and it’ll make up a random first name and fictional biography about them. Because all it’s doing is making sentences/paragraphs/stories from their component parts weighted by other words that are likely to go near them.
It’s not going to cure cancer or even write a Wikipedia article correctly, but it might actually do fictional writers out of a job.
For a lot of people, the family home is the only investment they have outside of super. They’re estatic as it goes up.
Don’t get me wrong, It’s unsustainable that house prices double every ten years when the price of money only doubles every twenty years. But whilst it does nobody wants to rock the boat.
How do you think so many people afford 80k+ cars? They use the equity in their property and only have to pay mortgage interest rates on it (over the mortgage term too,not a 5 year car loan). Not growing equity will mean they can’t get the 4WD, boat and pool of their dreams.
There’s a strong incentive for the landed gentry to keep the status quo.
as this will bring down the pricing of housing…
Most Australians don’t want this. 2/3rds of Australians are in the property market. They all want housing to keep going up. W
To be fair that is a national treasure in my country. And we’re happy to share.
I think the idea is that by being the largest player they could take over and add features that the rest of the fediverse didn’t have. And then the people here (mastodon) would move there to keep following their favourite celeb.
I don’t think there’s any good argument why you couldn’t keep both for different things. Or why Facebook would even care about the ~200k users on mostodon when they cracked 70M in 24 hours
Okay. The person you replied to was talking about subscribing to a threads user in Lemmy.
Every discworld fan will agree. The first two are terrible. They are straight parodies of the fantasy genre in the 70–80s. The rest of the series are more adult satire of real world issues and institutions and the stories have actual characterisation and pathos.
What are you on about? Thread’s algorithm only affects what you see in the threads app home page. If they federate fully/properly it’ll operate no different than mastodon does now.
The colour of magic isn’t highly rated by anyone. Most discworld fans will tell you to skip the first two books and don’t really count them. I hope you didn’t skip discworld based on that. If your willing to give it another go, most fans suggest starting with Guards Guards! as the feel of discworld is well established by this point and the Watch sub series is a fan favourite.
There are 5 main sub series; the Witches, Death, the Watch, Industrial Revolution and Rincewind. Rincewind is the least rated. You can read them in pretty much any order but each sub series is recommended to read in the reading order:
Sounds good. And rate rises aren’t an excuse. We don’t care that you paid a stupid amount for it and are struggling to afford your loan payments. Sell it like you would any other investment that suddenly went negative geared that you couldn’t afford to keep.
To Philip Lowe: the market decides rent rates only holds as long as the market is elastic. And most people have a huge barrier to moving.
Wait who got a payday out of it?
Looks like they just made a fancy google keyword alerts notifier to cash in on the AI craze. Poor marketing example but feels like blaming google for your search results.
Apparently the average is up in Germany, you just haven’t had any extremes this year.