Always, #StarTrek
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The light in me / Will guide you home / All I want is to be your harbor
@Reverendender @startrek “I’ll give it a shot” is basically where I am going into any new Trek project. We’ll see what it is.
@ValueSubtracted @startrek Yeah, just general talk of spacing out future projects. But since it’s the only potential future project we know of (I think?) it’s a straw to grab. 😂
Personally I wouldn’t be shocked if the idea dies because people move on to other projects and then if/when Paramount decided to do it you suddenly can’t get the band back together on the timeline they want.
@UESPA_Sputnik I can’t get the TrekCentral site to load at the moment, but this announcement was made two months ago.
@crazyminner @startrek This doesn’t have anything to do with SNW. Season 3 of SNW started filming a few weeks ago.
@ValueSubtracted @startrek Well like we said, all news about a Star Trek film comes with lots of salt onboard 😂
@ValueSubtracted @startrek
Basically where I’m also at.
Also, as someone noted in a Discord chat about it, “decades before” only gives you a small window between the start of the Kelvin universe and Trek '09, otherwise too far back and you’re making a Prime Timeline movie. So that’ll be interesting to see what they plan.
@CindyLouWho2 @startrek Ugh how did I miss that? I’ve edited it in.
@samus12345 @startrek I didn’t see it either until the Memory Alpha entry for the episode listed her as there.
I wonder if it was a case where they didn’t have the original actress and/or didn’t really have any lines for her. So why put her up front and center to say nothing and then fans complain that everyone else in Nova Squadron was back and talking and she wasn’t.
I have no real idea, just speculating.
@samus12345 @startrek In the opening wide shot of the Academy, there are 5 people walking along in Nick’s group and then one waves goodbye and goes off in the opposite direction before we get close up on the group for dialogue. I think it’s being assumed that person was Jean since the hairstyle and general body build seems to match.
@Thisfox @startrek McMahan summary quote: “So, if you love Lower Decks as much as I do, I would say make sure to watch it and get people to watch it now. A letter writing campaign after a show gets canceled, it’s helpful, but what’s more helpful is campaigning to get more eyes on the show when it’s airing because it gives me the ability to push for more seasons.”
@Ghostalmedia @apple_enthusiast I haven’t seen them yet either FWIW.
@NotWorthAssimilating @startrek Well Paramount+ still does not plan to carry it, but they’re looking for a new home for it. The producers feel very confident the show will be picked up. It’s just a matter of waiting to see by who.
@ipacialsection @startrek Don’t we all! Apparently they’re very confident it’ll land somewhere.
I mean I guess they’d have to be confident to start releasing clips from it…
@maegul @USSBurritoTruck @startrek It’s probably an homage to TOS. Their stardates were famously not consistently kept in any kind of order either.
@deafmutex @porthos @startrek Yes, the right to the first 10 movies at that point belonged to Viacom, who made them under license from CBS. But that’s neither here or there to what Discovery was doing.
Also, the story that the Enterprise was changed in Discovery because of rights/legal issues has been debunked.
@ValueSubtracted I keep thinking about this and I’m not sure where I land. I feel like we’re near “progress for progress’ sake”.
First we had movies that sequeled our TV shows. No one objected unless a given movie was bad.
Then post-Berman pre-streaming we did movies because no one had appetite to make new TV Trek. Fine.
Now in the streaming era of multiple series, what purpose do disconnected-from-TV cinematic movies serve? Do they need to exist besides 💰?
I don’t know what the answer is.