What’s an “active user”? Can I just up vote things I like, do I need to leave comments like this, or must I get involved in senseless flame-wars?
What’s an “active user”? Can I just up vote things I like, do I need to leave comments like this, or must I get involved in senseless flame-wars?
oooh. design intricate sandwiches! sounds like a lovely holiday!!
Yeah, the problem is how to sanitise effectively. You’ve gotta be able to find a way to automatically strip out “bad” things from your training data (via an “oracle”). But if you already had that oracle, you could just slap it on your final product (e.g. Search) and make all the “bad” things disappear before they hit the user (via some sort of filter).
it’s just reliable. especially with remote work, everything is “over ssh”, and you can create a very consistent environment with only a few config files
the amount of AI you can get into these IDEs is impressive, though. probably the only reason I’d ever make the switch
I left the first time for Trump… but moved to the UK just in time for Brexit. Should’ve picked Taiwan I guess
“…Americans are planning to flee in droves, and then will realise they don’t have a passport, don’t know any foreign languages, and don’t know how to get around without a car and will ultimately just stay put.”
yeah I don’t understand the “not eating forever” thing. the only question is whether I eat the three bags of chips before or after the 6 servings of drunken noodles arrived
I was with you until the “construction site and under the bridge” bit. It definitely takes a bit of imagination, but I’m not sure not wanting your kids to play on a site which requires the use of hard hats classifies as being “anxious”
Just commenting to also get a name in that history book.
“Oh yeah. We knew it was coming. We were just waiting to see which one would finally cause it.”
it’s only real programming if you also use CSS
I’m a lurker, but want to contribute. It took a lot to get an account (and then got a bunch of hate because I picked lemmy.world), but I can’t find any guidance on how to create a new sub. Is there any advice on that?
Can someone create a guide with this? Best tools, what to do if the comment thread isn’t also on Lemmy, how to change your Reddit comments to gibberish, etc
Or does this guide already exist? (Should be included on the welcome letter to Lemmy if so)