Cars. Or at least infrastructure systems that’s entirely built just for cars.
Cars. Or at least infrastructure systems that’s entirely built just for cars.
Couple that with the profit optimization every one in the construction industry do means majority of the time and money spent would be on finding the way to squeeze out the most amount of money.
Do DeDRM, and yet they host their code on GitHub and have a link directly to PayPal in the README for funding? Are these guys trying to get sued?
The IP and character designs are probably the only thing that’s worth saving. Everything else from writing, world building to even power systems have been a complete mess.
I kinda understand the pain of those fanfic writers who sent time to write those stories. But book printing and binding for small numbers of print is really expensive. And I’m sure a lot of book lovers would love to have physical versions of their favorite works. So I am sure the situation will continue until things change in the publishing industry.
The reporter probably considered nothing less than a nuclear first strike a"loud" announcement 🤣
Pretty sure killing wounded combatants who have no means of resistance is a war crime. It’s even worse since it happened inside a hospital which should be shield from any fighting. Most moral army is acting as a bunch of war criminals as usual.
Whatever already existed won’t be thrown away regardless of the ruling. It’s like throwing all the gold already dug up just because it was done by slave labor. The law and legal actions are mostly just a moat around the pile of gold already dug up. Sure AI companies will have to pay more for the new data from other sources. However that would be peanut compared to how much they will have to pay starting from zero.
Well, it’s better to be worried when official copyright holders are going after you and not a bunch of troll bots. Bullying using the legal process and fee is a common tactic. It’s better to legal up and be ready to fight in court than ignore their attacks and get raided by the Fed.
You probably should draw a down vote next to the mirror then
Most people I know who use Linux wouldn’t trust Cloud services cause that’s just storing your stuff on somebody else machine. You can self hosted service like Next cloud on a raspberry pi or just get comfortable with networking enough to setup VPN and ssh into your home computer from the net to get your stuff.
no, the desired outcome for the West is another hundred year of humiliation for China where they can carve the country up, region by region, and freely looting Chinese wealth while waxing poetically about the white man burden. The Chinese fighting back is entirely inconceivable.
with how contentious Red Hat and Canonical decisions have been lately, the mid panel should have Arch and Debian replacing Ubuntu and Fedora.
he doesn’t even have the gut to post his own country name cause he knows people will tear away the farcade of bullshit of his successful social democrat country.
At this point a case need to be hundred of “b” to be more than cost of doing business for Apple. The ‘m’ fine are just rounding errors