Are you using the usb ports on the motherboard itself? Because you need to with a lot of MBs depending on when they initialize other USB
Are you using the usb ports on the motherboard itself? Because you need to with a lot of MBs depending on when they initialize other USB
Mmm linux sounding so good lately
Uggggh mozilla no one wants this
Never has been with windows on it.
So rich nazis basically. Neat
Virginity is a stupid purity construct. It affects no one but you and no one should care.
Have (consensual always) sex whenever in your (adult) life you feel like it or not at all. Some people are asexual and dont bother. Some people want it once a year. Some people want it 10x a day.
Its a personal thing and the real answer is:
Are you missing having sex? If so, what are you doing to be someone who’s worth having sex with? If not, yay, you have nothing to worry about and no one deserves an answer from you about it.
Other people and art. I live to spend time with people and make things for them.
I once told myself i wish i could have my body split into energy to make people i love better off while i disappear.
Someone told me “thats imaginary if you are gone but real if you stick around and love those people”
Forever to make him mad
Art, woodworking, painting, carving, clay/wax/digtal sculpture, 3d printing, making your own video games,
Its existence
Its all sensationalist bullshit that supports garbage people for clicks
“A raise would help my loyalty”
Well, that would be literally none of the ML programmers because so far its done nothing useful for society but waste electricity
Gold/Swedish Cantaloupe Pants
He could stop yelling like a child at the cost of $0