lead singer of the band WIREHOUND (www.wirehound.com).
professional journalist and good writing guy with no spellinmg erors
Don’t worry we will.
like Rupert murdoch came to the US first lol. He’s the cancer behind it all.
@snooggums i guess i was the only one that read OP that way. I was trying to say that it’s more of the same, that it isn’t novel or new, and we shouldn’t be surprised. my impression was OP was saying “look at how crazy this is” as in “no one has ever done this before!”
i think we can all agree with everything you said there.
I definitely got the impression from OP that you did not, but I am more than happy to admit I am not perfect, and I can take wrong meanings from things with the best of them.
cause i think we are all saying the same thing - this is fucking horrible, and no one should use any app of platform that harvests data from you this way. I just wanted to make it clear that this level of harvesting is not new. it’s not, like, going beyond a new threshold. this is what everyone signs up for when they get tiktok or facebook or even messenger.
we should be angry but not act shocked. you know what i mean?
Thanks for proving my exact point. Actually both points.
Of course not
Again the whole point of my comment is to express how UNORIGINAL it is what threads is doing
It’s terrible. I want no part of it. But we shouldn’t treat it as a brand new slew of invasions when it is most certainly the same invasions most people happily take.
But OP should make it seem like threads is going to be the first and only app that harvests that much, varied data. That’s dishonest.
The OP is trying to make it seem that it’s new and shocking when it clearly is the same shit almost all the other social media apps do. Try reading better or understanding context.
Fucking idiots all over the internet think that once you say one critical thing you’re immediately the enemy. Fucking grow up, kid. Why the fuck do you think I’m here?
Absolutely. I completely agree. I have Facebook because I have friends and family that basically require I use that to contact them. Never downloaded messager or any other thing. Not that they don’t have everything from Facebook anyway.
But the person I was responding to wasn’t making the point that everything Zuck touches turns to shit and a money grab that torches user experience. Or that they are trying to stop any potential competitor or subsume them.
They’re saying “look at all this data it’s going to harvest!!! Isn’t that INSANE?!?” When it’s literally the same almost every social media app on your phone does/has. There are a ton of arguments against anything zuck touches. Pretending the data harvesting is going to be new or groundbreaking is dishonest. Especially when, as I said, I would bet tiktok does all that and more. And it goes to a much worse actor.
I am not condoning it happening here. I’m saying it’s really bad that they can see your DMs. And people are trying to brush it off as if it’s no big deal
It’s a HUGE fucking deal. And it’s not acceptable in the slightest. There is a reason I don’t have TikTok or Snapchat or Instagram accounts and have never downloaded the apps. And it’s not because I’m super cool with this stuff.
Ok and how is this worse than what Facebook already does? Or TikTok? Or Instagram?
You list all these things as if this new platform is going to be the first and only thing to harvest all your personal data. Like it’s shocking and new and so much worse
How is it worse? It’s the same bullshit. If you already have Facebook, and most do unfortunately, they are already doing that. And I would bet TikTok takes this much and more and has worse actors.
That was extremely extremely helpful. Thank you. I had no idea this was talking about phone emulators. That’s amazing. I didn’t know you could do that!!!
Really really appreciate this
@TORFdot0 can you please say all that again but for people who have no idea what you’re talking about, as opposed to people who already know and thus don’t need the advice.
Maybe it’s because every 5 words the interviewer says “you know” or some other filler that distracts and makes you look less professional and intelligent in the eyes of a lot of people, subconsciously or not.
Hey. Yeah. Sorry. When I hit reply on kbin it @‘s everyone above me in that comment all the way to the OP. I guess I didn’t realize it. When I responded to this just now I had to delete 2 or 3 other people.
Someone who says virtue signaling unironically is the dumbest fuck in the room, no matter what room they’re in.
Yeah I think this guy lied to us!
He’s a liar everyone! I bet the earth is actually COLD right now! I mean space is like -270 degrees so maybe we should just let some of that in
@YoBuckStopsHere @aniki
You know a lot of young republicans who say their liberal so they don’t get ostracized by their friends, who are looking for any and every excuse to vote how they really want.
Let’s be honest here.