The brief snippets of gameplay I got to experience weren’t half bad. It’s not one I would necessarily discourage other people from trying and I might even recommend looking into it depending on what I knew about their tastes.
Objectively, I don’t think what I experienced (limited as it was) was a bad game. I think it was a frustratingly paced intro to a game with potential. How much potential, I don’t know. I’ve heard mixed things.
You’ll have to let me know what you think if you give it a play through.
I’m eyeing a run through of Pokemon Crystal because I am still on that kick. XD
My husband just picked up the Demo for Unicorn Overlord and to be honest it looks pretty good, so I’m tempted to also give that one a try. The pacing is nice and snappy and the game play seems straightforward enough. The story is a pretty standard hero’s journey, which isn’t high praise but certainly doesn’t count against it.
Who doesn’t enjoy the occasional boxed-mac-and-cheesesque storyline?