👻 Booooh…get fucked!
just wanted to argue against your comment that they ‘own’ them
They are an independent studio…
give Taurus to Ukraine as an answer
stop condemning and start acting against those fucks!
Just curious, did anybody with over two hours got a refund?
Then fucking do something against it! How long will the west and the NATO tolerate the murders, the espionage, the sabotage done by Russia inside our borders? Step up against Putin, show some dignity and start drawing some red lines and enforce them if they are crossed.
The NATO could start by showing a stronger support for their allies who are supporting Ukraine with equipment and aid. As a german it is painful to watch that we are always hiding behind the fear of beeing declared a “war party” by those fucks in the Kreml. If NATO would declare that they back up all those supporters for Ukraine and that every action against those supporters by Russia would result in Article 5 we wouldn’t have these issues and could provide Ukraine with everything they need…
But instead we are leaving the Russians free hand in their actions and are wondering why that degenerate Putin is not backing up…
Übel ist Übel und dein Gedanke widerspricht daher komplett meinem Empfinden und ethischen Code.
Demokratie muss auch Arschlöcher aushalten können und solange sich ein Verlag im gesetzlichen Rahmen bewegt darf auch nicht zensiert werden!
when does it come out for stream…
easy little buddy, it’s just a game.
Actual realistically calculated bullet physics is a big feature of GZW
true. but it still takes a lot of bullets to take down a guy in a muscle shirt. Hope they fix that.
you actually get a coop pve mode right from the get go without any additional costs and you don’t support russian war efforts with buying Gray Zone. So good game so far for me
Pretty sure it’s a pair of brothers isn’t it? Am I remembering that wrong?
I think you mean the russian brothers from The Day before
My comment about sacrificing of Ukraine was just based on time delay, if Ukraine could hold out and wait that long for the other countries to get their act together, or not.
I actually don’t get where you think I would delay anything. I’m for a operation against Russia and more weapons and supplies for Ukraine right now, better yesterday. Hell, we should have established a NATO enforced no-fly zone right after the first missle pieces crossed the border of poland.
Okay, maybe he shouldn’t be Boss then, he seems to suck at his job big time.
Na das wär doch mal nen Post bei TikTok wert Scholzi oder nicht? Häshtag fckAFD und so.
Finally, if we do as you state, is that sacrificing Ukraine in the process?
No, absolutely not. I’m son of an ukranian father, I want a united west against Putin and if I’m honest with you I think NATO should intervene like they did back in '99 in Kosovo.
I was deployed in Kosovo in 2007 and the people of Kosovo really appreciated the intervention of NATO, thanked us as soldiers after all these years and I think we have the same situation in Ukraine right now. Russia is commiting a genocide at the People of Ukraine. Russia must be stopped in their degenerated agenda of a new Russian Reich and I also think that a military operation on Ukrainian soil against russian forces would not lead to any stupid decisions by Putin. We “just” need to push them out of the country or at least create a no-fly zone and enforce this with NATO troops.
Springer gehört schon lange verboten, es wäre ja nicht das erste Mal, dass die mit irgendwelchen Hetzkampagnen den Mob ihrer “Leser” zu Mord und Totschlag aufgestachelt hätten.
Bei sowas muss man echt sehr vorsichtig vorgehen. Ich sage nicht dass die Bild nicht scheiße ist, aber bevor man es verbietet muss man wirklich sehr gründlich sein damit es nicht als Zensur endet.
Was auch sehr wichtig ist, ist dass man Nazis die dem Scheißverein und dieser degenerierten Ideologie irgendwann doch den Rücken kehren, wieder in der Mitte der Gesellschaft wilkommen heißt und nicht weiter “brandmarkt”. Jeder Mensch der sich seine Fehler eingesteht, sollte auch eine zweite Chance bekommen.
Meine Güte der Volksverräter scheint sich ja sich jedem Feind angeboten zu haben. Schlimm.