Name a more iconic duo
Decaying corpse animated by gay thoughts and too many painkillers
Highly obnoxious, very autistic, weirdly asexual, ask me about my weird interests
I talk way, way too fucking much.
Name a more iconic duo
I know and it irritates me forever. Fuck the racist clowns for that too
His combat opener line, “Here we go!!” sounds a little too enthusiastic. My headcanon is he really likes killing fash, deep down.
No, it’s okay everybody! He doesn’t have the right to sexually abuse children, just the right not to face legal action for it!
The Louisiana Child Victims Act, according to the court, “cannot be retroactively applied to revive plaintiffs’ prescribed causes of action” on the basis that such an action would “divest defendants of their vested right to plead prescription.”
“CSA victims using a law enacted to help get justice for CSA victims against child sexual abusers would be depriving child sexual abusers of their rights”
I want an equivalent of the burning American flag for the church.
The culture and heritage of the United States of Amerikkka!
Artisan crashing helicopters and planes
The fact that you can even interpret Kanji out of being queer means that Atlus writers DESERVE IT
I do lmao, I also think all the dungeon crawling is way worse and more annoying, and that Inaba is such a grey and bland setting full of boring anime cutouts, thee core scooby gang is terrible (Yosuke is a reactionary) it’s like, what happened? It reads as if they went out of their way to ruin every solitary element of P3, which is game that already wobbles back and forth between being good and being terrible :)
It took the Lost Oddysey “underground labs and sewers” bit and then looking back at “you don’t even spend much time on the surface”, like who has time to play thousands of hours of rpgs c:
I like best how Hitler got owned partly because he got the idea that Russia was a rotten structure from looking at the outcome of this war.
So NATO and the gang have adopted that exact view
He’s trying to open it with a busted can opener. The can opener represents US industrial capacity.
I love pre renders and want them always, but to be real cg dates almost as badly as stank 90s FMV does. Timeless? Nah :)
Bonus points if the final renders were only ever completed in 240p high resolution Resident Evil 1 backgrounds save me…
Ukraine edging towards defeat?
Ukraine on the edge of Russian military climax? Gotta be a sex pun in here somewhere
The Russian army is not the hubristic organisation it was in 2022, says the general, and is now operating as a “single body, with a clear plan, and under a single command”.
Aw but ruzzians bad and stupid, right? Wha happun?
Most expensive military in the world btw
The mead-headiest of meat-head covershooters, but the main guys are such Dudes Being Bros I can hardly be mad. Also critical support to the revolutionary french robot guy.
Honestly more like Kent State 7 but who can keep count anymore?
Nobody has played Lost Odyssey cus 360
I don’t feel like this is that good a bit, because P4 literally belongs in the trash you know? It’s where it belongs. SaGa 3 is such an odd inclusion…
I cannot believe they cut the only remotely amusing thing from the game, except I can because lol.
I wonder if he actually believes this or is just coping/in denial.
lol lmao. Kinda curious about your definition of “TQ” here.