the fuck
it worked on my machine
the fuck
fuck nginx and fuck its configuration file with an aids ridden spoon, it’s everything but easy if you want anything other than the default config for the app you want to serve
They hated him cause he spoke the truth
And not a single photo? The thing in the main photo aint it
Piped and invidious do, via Yattee
What do you use now?
And rightfully so. Corporations will find every conceivable way to track you and no API will be left unused, including tracking MAC addresses of bluetooth devices around you, which is a relatively easy one.
However, you can absolutely allow an app to access that API so it can scan for those MACs.
Funny thing, as soon as the API is locked down and presented as an option to the user, companies stop using it since nobody wants to give bluetooth access to i.e. Facebook.
AM, which operates at a lower frequency, has radio waves with larger wavelengths, meaning they travel farther but struggle to penetrate solid objects like buildings.
Aren’t low frequencies better at penetrating materials?
Avast? Bruh
Even after reading the article I still have no idea how they plan to do it
I never understood what the fuck was up with that. Most older dumb phones had that feature and even if they deemed it unnecessary, the sheer amount of flashlight apps would prove them wrong
jor bindome
This is cool as FUCK
iTs A sTAtEmEnT
I feel like I got a free glimpse into your life and it’s great