Rocket League!
Chess analysis indicators from - the green ones signify good moves while the yellow and red mean bad moves.
Do you happen to know where I could find an original download?
I think subsidies got us here in the first place. When the government pays for stuff it drives prices up.
Doubling every turn would reach 8,589,934,592 on turn 34
Pee pee poo poo
You can see the murder in its eyes
I don’t browse anymore, but adding “reddit” to the end of search queries is still something I’ll do for a long time
They are just the abbreviated full names: Vitamin Alfredo, Vitamin Beef, Vitamin Cheese, Vitamin Deez Nuts, and Vitamin Egg
This would be great, Jerboa is a little clunky as it is
I have it on the Switch and I love it
+1 Music making. Do you know if there’s a Lemmy community for that yet?