Several of the ones listed on awesome-typst are similar, notably:
Not to knock the work you have done though
Wants to be on a boat
Several of the ones listed on awesome-typst are similar, notably:
Not to knock the work you have done though
I was using a template like this several months ago, (in typst) I think someone had already ported awesomecv beforehand.
So e-commerce site? Or is it digital delivery only? Also I’m getting filtered by the captcha, how do you solve it?
Sellafield is leaking nuclear sludge due to decades of neglect and apathy; an entirely British problem
There is a neovim plugin with a Firefox companion extension that basically puts your neovim inside the textbox on the webpage. It’s pretty crazy, and works with most text input fields.
Miniflux for self hosters and Read You on Android are great apps for rss
The current Chinese state did not exist before WW2, so I think that comparison is a bit odd
Probably not directly responsible but there is a strong link between them in the gut-brain axis, the effects are likely bidirectional
Which nations would you not call shitholes?
Frankly man I find this very insulting and pretty racist. You don’t have a good word to say about them eh?
If politics is not policy and strategy, what is it? A game?
Wtf are you on about? I’ve been to Vietnam several times and the progress they have achieved in such a short period of time is incredible. They have built megacities on the ground where the yanks firebombed. Have you been to Da Nang? Walked around HCMC? Spoken to the people? They are evidently working against the corruption, as we can see in this article, whereas where I live everyone knows the govt sends cash to their buddies and no one can do anything about it? (The UK)
Are there any particular texts from Engels that you disagree with? I would be interested to know where you think the split is. From my reading, Engels was mostly involved in the philosophical and scientific side of the development of dialectical materialism and it’s application into Marxism. Eg. “Dialectics of Nature”, “The German ideology”, “Feuerbach and the end of German classical philosophy”,“anti-duhring” etc. I’m not sure where the apparent “brutality” is coming from here?
How can you agree with Marx and not with Engels? Engels practically did a large chunk of the philosophical heavy lifting for Marxism.
China is leading the world in cost effective manufacturing and infrastructure projects. I have no idea what you are huffing but it must be strong
Provider for goods? What are you on about? Western nations outsource all production to the global south (pretty much) and the only thing they make is overpriced software (hyperbole)
Western liberal democracy is a facade
Maybe try Phantasy Star Portable 2
Possible alternative for Whatsapp is to run matrix and a WhatsApp bridge, then all of your messages will be stored in the WhatsApp bridge, and you can access them via a matrix client. Pretty long winded though. As for Android auto, I can’t afford a fancy new car with a screen in it so I just mount my phone on the dashboard and use it like that with no Android auto.
Strikes me that there should be some kind of provisioning tool similar to Ansible for Android devices, what does industry do when they need to automate provisioning of thousands of devices for POS, retail, barcode scanning, delivery drivers, etc.