Do you have a link to that ltt video? I would love to watch that as well. Thanks.
I think jagex will be modifing the loot table for how tough these bosses seem. It’ll be interesting what they do with the new loot drop mechanic for the ring where you get a ring (vestige?) after rolling the ring 3 times.
How do I set all to be my default feed when the app opens??
And then you do ds2 and get a better way to get your hp down to 1… It felt like that meme with Andy throwing woody and saying “I’m don’t need you anymore.”
Just ordered a keychain q2 instead. Thanks for the recommendation.
I reached out to ducky and got no response back. I’m out of warranty so no warranty replacement. I think a new keyboard is in my future. Thanks for your help.
I tried holding down windows and fn key until it flashed, it seemed to have reset my keyboard and made fn the top layer but still no go on the esc and tab.
… and I got it. Following that guide. I still had to go into the random phase and powered through but did get it. thank you for recommending that video :)
I’ll give that a shot, thank you.
I tried the helper and I think I died 3 times before I stopped for the night… I think I just need to get familiar with one rotation first at this point. With everything going on with the fight, i forget to click the right step in the helper plugin and get myself even more confused.
what would you say was the easiest rotation?
The crown prince thing is the official story but the more you look into it, the harder it gets to believe said story, hence the conspiracy theories. One of the rare cases where conspiracy theories may not be outlandish.