I have said this in another post here, as a joke, that YT can just inject the ads in the main video stream, and it would be just like cable tv where you can’t skip the ad.
I swear it was a joke.
edit: spelling
More like 4 2×1 tiles:
It took me a while to read that chart, meybe the heat I don’t know.
But what I got is roughly 1.5°C increase in the last 80 years, is that correct? Would be nice to see this compared to the previous 80 years.
Yeah, we say lol to each other as a joke when something is “funny” or as a joke in it self, but never as a response to someone outside the family circle or in formal setting. Bot that may change too in the future.
The internet is for sure speeding things up. I wonder how will our (Czech) language look like in 10, 20, 30 years. I am all for simplification but sometimes it just feels weird :D
We live in Czechia and my SO is teacher in local school. She asked a 6th grade girl what she wants to draw today and she literally responded “IDK”. It’s kind off weird how internet slang is slowly merging in everyday IRL vocabulary.
Nice to see fellow Czech here. 👋 Kde je tenhle skvost? :D
☝️ + DeArrow to replace clickbait thumbnails.
Ok so I have been using Waterfox and Brave for some time, switching between them to decide which I like more.
On one hand, I am a little worried about all the stuff people bring out about Brave and really want to switch to WF. But on the other hand, WF seems really slow compared to brave and PiP just lags my whole system sometimes, even if I turn HW acceleration for video rendering, somehow WF (and all FF forks I have tried) hogs my GPU and my whole OS stutters here nad there when playing PiP videos.
I am on linux, have relatively beefy PC with 64gb ram, RTX 3060 and few years old CPU. Has anyone faced this issue and fixed it somehow or is the video rendering in FF just that bad?
A man of culture I see…
Oh, now your image loaded for me an I feel lake buffoon…
Yes you can, although this might be better done with rsync - and periodically runnind the syncing command.
But syncthing does basically the same thing plus you can sync between multiple devices on the same network.
I sync my laptop config with work pc this way.
Edit: typos, damn mobile
I thought the snowflakes stayed on reddit, but apparently me saying “Copium in comic” is too offensive for moderators.
Some error messages are pretty weird so I wouldn’t guess that this is fake.
I hate this wording choise, that “Turn off windows copilot” - Enabled, actually means that copilot is disabled. Confusing and unintuitive. It should say just “windows Copilot: Enabled/Disabled”. Why is MS like this?
I have done that a week ago, put Immich on it and planning on other services to degoogle myself. Now i have 6tb of space for my photos, for “free”. Minus the initial investment but that should pay itself in few years.