I like how the summary conveniently avoid mentioning the fact that in the year 2023 30000 visa were given to chinese students. Its quite sad how most people dont bother reading the article. As per the article: “The number of people affected is a tiny fraction of the total number of Chinese students in the US. The State Department issued nearly 300,000 visas to Chinese students in the year to September 2023. But the personal accounts speak to a broader concern that people-to-people exchanges between the world’s two biggest economies and scientific leaders are straining.”
I never said racism wasn’t an issue, but I found the tread quite misleading towards the situation, especially since the reverse from us to china is also true, the underlying problem here is more complex and not unidimensional.
If you need more context: As mentioned in the article, and a view a shared, the underlying problem that drives this vicious cycle is underlying espionage risk and general distrust between two frictional powers on a path of collision, against the interest of their own people. I don’t think we can blame this situation solely on the US as China behaviour is not exemplar itself. Unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world, where governments put their own interest above all else.
I didn’t expect to have to say this, as i think its not really the topic we are discussing here but still. I dont know about the atmosphere in america and the anti asian sentiment because of covid, but i find something like that quite despicable, and will not bring us anywhere.