This shit flies through congress and $15 minimum wage eventually gets blocked by the parliamentarian.
Socialism With Sam Hyde In Gulag Characteristics
This shit flies through congress and $15 minimum wage eventually gets blocked by the parliamentarian.
Support for Israel has been dropping, but it’s hard for me to imagine that Amerikkka and the average Amerikkkan citizen won’t be 100% back on Israel’s side if things are escalated by someone other than Israel. The Biden administration made a lot of bad moves, got a lot of people killed and hurt his own reelection chances pretty bad. I just don’t know what he thinks he’s been doing.
Please read Manufacturing Consent to learn why DW, Fox, Pro Publica, and AP News articles seem like they’re written by the same people. A very short summary is that only people that subscribe to viewpoints compatible with owners’ viewpoints are allowed to write for these organizations. If you’re familiar with the wealth concentration in the US, you know that the owners are a pretty small group of people and they share certain interests that inform their viewpoints.
It would be nice if liberals could imagine how they’d feel about this if Trump was the guy saying and doing it.