HM, it works on voyager (mobile) and ethernity, but breaks with jebora
HM, it works on voyager (mobile) and ethernity, but breaks with jebora
woops, you are right, didn’t check the autofill!
What client/app are you using?
Happy to help you out!
Thank you!
Damm i need to make/buy me some colored rope … the natural one is good and all, but …
I am not an active poster but have at least some exp modding communities on other platforms.
Would be happy to help out at:
ropebondage, fapdeciders, petgirls selfbondage
Ps.: thanks for all your work!
edit: here the actual links:
Thanks for your work! Server migrations are allways stressfull.
Seems like it.
My given regex archives exactly this :P you can test it with an online regex tester. I dont know if the bot supports this kind of regex.
You could ofc also enforcy only one or max 3 char’s between the [ ] and force it to be at the start
Maye negating regex work? Something like
(Everything without a [ followed by any character at least one time followed by ] )
I am gona ask it: where are his balls?
Nah, need to be rope ;) cuffs work somewhat but serve a diffrent purpose.
The rope looks so tidy, love it!
For preference, nah, as long as it works or looksngood ;)
Those are some beautifull ropemarks you have got there!
Sounds fun!
Source seems to be this:
(As stated on the other side)
Both are completly diffrent applications.
But they share one thing in common. Thats the ActivityPup Protocoll, which allows them to somewhat communicate with each other.
All apps using the ActivityPup protocoll are part of the Fediverse and can somewhat communicate with each other. (Sometimes well sometimes not so well)
weird …