How dare you say that on Lemmy, or Reddit for that matter! Democrats and liberal ideology can do NO WRONG in these parts!
How dare you say that on Lemmy, or Reddit for that matter! Democrats and liberal ideology can do NO WRONG in these parts!
No country on Earth says “hey, let’s make it EASIER to get in!” Get real.
They hate it, yet we consistently have the biggest immigration influx in the world? Doesn’t make sense…
As it should be. Every country should want and support strong immigration laws for their own country, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, apparently you’re not supposed to want that if you’re in the United States.
Apparently, every single country on Earth is allowed to have immigration laws EXCEPT the US…
Stupid. This doesn’t effect 99% of them. I’m in the Central Valley, these kids are just looking for excuses to ditch and are being told what to do by their parents.
I love how the Left has morphed “immigrants” and “illegal immigrants” into one. This is a left wing narrative to make it look like Trump is going after any and every immigrant. I work with 2 legal immigrants here on work visas, one is from India and one is from Ethopia. Not once has either one expressed any concern about what Trump is doing. They’re just doing what they came here to do, work, make money, and try to establish citizenship. Trump is going after ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. It’s ridiculous that this country’s own people fight so hard to protect illegals. Apparently, every other country on Earth is allowed to enforce immigration laws EXCEPT the US…
Good, it’s getting ridiculous. I was at a Walgreens yesterday, and in a matter of minutes 2 homeless people came in and stole beer… it was just insane. And the Left blames it all on the “system” because of what Reagan did 50 fucking years ago…
This is Reddit 2.0, so we’re not allowed to support the President, only deny him… right?
Oh geez… here we go.
I’m sure it was, but are you saying that things should be easier to get into our country? I don’t understand this logic that the Left has… things are changing rapidly in our world, crime, drugs, human trafficking… are all issues that weren’t around years ago…our immigration policies are in place to try and regulate these things. Are you suggesting we should make it easier on people?
My grandparents came here legally and are super conservative, and they raised us the same. We don’t have any pity for illegals, from any country, even Mexico. Believe it or not, not every single Mexican thinks, acts, or feels the same. I know that’s hard to believe because a lot of us have been brainwashed to think only Democrats care. Trump doesn’t “hate Mexicans.” He’s trying to curb the illegal immigration problem, and the issue is, much of that problem is coming South of the border. This has turned into a “Trump hates all Mexicans!” propaganda machine from the Left, and it’s just ridiculous.
Your white guilt must be killing you man. Throughout my entire life I’ve never one felt any kind of racism, from anyone but other Mexicans, who would talk down on my and my brother because we “looked white” and didn’t speak Spanish. Silly.
I meant bullying specifically targeting Mexicans/Hispanics who are “illegal.” This article is to rile up the Left.
This is horrible, but I can’t help but read all these comments generalizing the situation. There are millions and millions of Mexicans/Hispanics all over this country, no one cares, no one is making it an issue. I remember when all of Lemmy, and Reddit was quick to say that not all illegals are murderers after the Lakien Riley incident… but now, apparently, it’s okay to say the entire country is filled with bullies and idiots like these kids at this school. This article is fear mongering, nothing else. It’s equivalent to what the Right does about illegals, and yes, I say that as a person who votes primarily Right.
This isn’t a common problem, you have an isolated incident with stupid asses.
This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. I’m Hispanic, nobody wants all of us gone. Stop fear mongering. This is an issue about illegal immigration, from any country.
I’m not trying to rile up anything, I’m just pointing out the double standard. I couldn’t care less for AOC. Good for her if she’s considered “less fortunate” as a politician. I’m just simply saying that if a Republican politician says the EXACT same thing, they’d be crucified around here…
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