Yooooo I scrubbed my profile when I left but this would be a great way to finally get it dealt with for good.
Sumo Enjoyer - Gunpla Builder/Painter - General Menace
Yooooo I scrubbed my profile when I left but this would be a great way to finally get it dealt with for good.
Can’t wait for them to remaster skyrim again before TES6
I hate ford vehicles but that model of the F-150 series was such a good one. Pull up an old beat up bronco or something but not that one! Lol
Yep, she got some fluids and some shots and she’s already feeling better. What a relief. Sorry you two had to go through that as well.
I have the same GPU and settled on a 4070 Ti Super for my next upgrade. Do what you will with that information and happy gaming!
Thanks for asking - I’m still at work, but I got an update from my girlfriend that she has moved from under furniture to on the couch, so that’s a good sign that she’s not hiding anymore. I’ll be sure to make an update when she’s fully recovered as well!
Here’s a picture of her last night, I fell asleep on the floor by her for a bit (then got up in the middle of the night because my bones hurt)
Wasn’t expecting anyone to pick up on the Sumo swag! Thanks for that and Hakkeyoi! She’ll be doing her foot stamps again here before too long.
This game is making me spend 2500 on a new rig and I’m conflicted about it. My 1080 has served me well o7
Honestly, out of all of them - IMHO Capcom puts out quality games that you can buy once and then buy a dlc and be able to fully enjoy an amazing game with incredible replayablity. I’m not saying I agree with the pay for cosmetic reroll thing, but if Capcom wants to put in cosmetic 2-3$ trinkets, whatever. It affects the game barely any at all, and in the case of Monster Hunter, there are so many in-game cosmetics and trinkets you can unlock already that look awesome. On the flip side of this you have scum bag companies that lock FUN behind micro transactions, not solely cosmetics. Still, the pay for reroll is fucked and I only hope we can mod in the ability to change it like we had in World.
2m resolution is pretty nuts for the general population to use. I love getting my hands on some good satellite imagery.
3 was the GOAT but Underground took it to a whole different level. So beyond stoked to play either of them remastered.
Just got the word today at my job that the people who write reports need to remove all mention of climate related things, not even a year after they finally decided to tell that we can include it. So basically, the last legislation moved too slowly and this administration is moving rapidly to change what they finally implemented.
It is (or has already?) Going to receive a face-lift. That might help out a little bit honestly.
If you do what you love and love doing it, people will notice. Best of luck to you in this, I wish you all the success in the world.
Because the game is an absolute banger from front to back. Praise be Capcom.
I know that. I used the platform for free, of course they’re going to keep the information. What I’m trying to do is make any thread I ever posted on or posted a little more unusable and littered with remnants of some info that was there but now isn’t. I know there have been instances in the past where they resurrect a deleted post or comment because it was relevant, but I don’t think anything I ever did got nearly enough traction to warrant that. So I’ll do whatever I can, it’s better than not doing anything.