At this point I think Elon might know more about management than anyone currently alive on Earth!
It must have come as a real shock to the Israelis to learn that someone in the state department knows what international law is.
On a serious note, the problem with wind turbines is not the total number of birds they strike but the species. Larger birds of prey seem particularly susceptible. Tough this risk can be easily mitigated by not placing the wind turbines directly in their primary habitat or migration paths.
Can someone explain to me why Americans seem so hostile towards Biden over Gaza all of a sudden?
US support for Israel goes back decades. America has been in bed with all sorts of dictators commiting heinous crimes and still is. Not to forget the illegal invasion of Iraq with hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties or the long list of US war crimes revealed by WikiLeaks and largely indiscriminate drone strikes across the globe. Most of these seemed to elicit much harsher condemnation overseas while the US public appeared generally uninterested. So why does this conflict in Palestine in which the US isn’t even an active party suddenly evoke such an emotional response?
For now reddit seems fine (even though I feel a noticable deterioration of multiple communities). Though the important change is that alternatives have established themselves. Lemmy might not be big right now but from now on reddit has to be extra careful not to upset redditors. Every new step they take that worsens the experience will drive a new wave of users away from their site and now more of them will find communities elsewhere that have been established during the first exodus this year.
At the same time I’m unfortunately quite certain that the enshittification of reddit will continue as investors demand higher profits. So we will see more waves of redditors leaving. Such a migration in waves could also be observed with Twitter, after every new step that Elon took to ruin the site.
This doesn’t look like a car nor a truck it’s a combat vehicle. Seriously, who’s impressed by Elon’s shooting and steel ball demonstrations? In what kind of failed state do these Tesla customers live? With a tank hull for a frame and sharp edges all around this looks like a serious safety hazard for passengers and especially pedestrians outside the car.
That’s exactly the point many people don’t seem to get. Yes, zoning more land for construction or lowering building cost might help but the key issue is that housing has become a major asset for the rich and especially institutional investors globally. There’s just so much money out there in search of investment opportunities but unlike stocks or Bitcoin housing is a core human need. Coupled with increasing wealth inequality and stagnant wages this is a major problem. When crypto or Nasdaq celebrate new records that’s nice for investors but when the property market goes up and up many people can no longer afford rent.
Privat property investors are part of the problem whether they like it or not. Given these circumstances I find it hard to imagine a solution that doesn’t include massive state intervention in the housing market.
And that is despite reddit banning a ton of NSFW subreddits over the past few years (or setting them to private).
I found a 3d render of the proposed cabine layout here it looks tight but otherwise pretty standard if you ask me, except for the two levels of course.
deleted by creator
Your legs would obviously not be in that position during takeoff and landing. This picture was clearly taken with the seat reclined to show the relatively comfortable seating position during the flight. If you search for any other pictures that are not cropped like this one, you can see that there’s still some space below the seat to put your feet down.
And whenever I disembark from a plane not once have I felt like getting out of my seat is the limiting factor for why it takes so long. The bottlenecks are always the limited number of exits and aisles that every passenger has to squeeze through.
Edit: actually I found a 3d render of the proposed cabine layout here it looks tight but otherwise pretty standard if you ask me, except for the two levels of course.
Then just add additional emergency exits to the plane. Except for a higher total number of passengers I don’t see how this layout would significantly slow down evacuation otherwise. Though I’m by no means an expert.
Idk why everyone acts like this would be some sort of travesty. If higher seating capacity through innovative cabine layouts bring down cost and carbon emissions per passenger, I’m all for it. I’m not flying for the experience but to get to my destination. If you all care so much about spacious seating, just book business class.
Of course. Listening to him talk makes it clear that he must be smoking some really strong stuff.
Is there free will? Are we all living in the matrix? questions…
Lasst ihn ruhig reden. Je mehr dieser pauschalen Jugendkritik kommt, desto legitimer wird gleichzeitig jede Boomerkritik. Zwischen “junge Menschen haben zu hohe Erwartungen ans Leben” und “die Boomergeneration hat dafür gesorgt, dass diese enttäuscht werden, es ihren Kindern voraussichtlich schlechter geht und selbst die Zukunft des Planeten auf der Kippe steht”, zwischen diesen Vorwürfen weiß ich welcher schwerer wiegt.
Damn you Libyan revolution. We want our green rectangle back.
How come copyright owners are not legally required to distribute their work?
Copyright is supposedly a deal society strikes with creatives: They create art for society and in return the law ensures that they profit off of their original works. If they no longer uphold their end of the bargain how come the rest of us should still uphold their copyright? If they no longer make their works available their copyright should be forfeit automatically.