Growing produce and processing various materials down into oxygen.
Oxygen not included has infinite replayability. I find so much joy just watching the plants grow in that game.
Leaving noobs to die in their dumb situations while I full clear my jungle.
I let all my streaming subscriptions die off when my debit card expired this year and I haven’t looked back. Gaming is cheaper and more entertaining. All the new movies I would want to watch never make it to streaming services anyway (without an additional rental fee)
Famine will get us first. Doubt we can create enough robots in the next twenty years to destroy us.
New season just dropped 😈
Haven’t pirated a game in over a decade
Pretty sure this is old news. Bees can do it too though
They are pollinators
This title sounds like his son holds him accountable for his rampant porn addiction
This one is easy
You just record the position of the object from the last physics tick and raycast from that location towards the objects velocity direction and if the raycast hits a wall you just move the object back to the walls position.
You usually want to add an additional check like this to all fast moving objects.
Thought this was a Minecraft screenshot from the thumbnail!
You actually wait till the 2 just starts to disappear
None of you have apparently had “drinking chocolate” before because it is usually a very thick liquid you can only really sip a thimbleful at a time because it is so rich. It can’t be made with a mix.
I’m pretty dang sure it’s a low-key loki season 2 ad
I personally feel a non midichlorian body would reject the blood as if it were the wrong blood type.
If it were possible you would probably have seen it happen on the sith side already. Making storm troopers force sensitive is a bonus I don’t think they would pass up.
DXVK is sooo good now I install it for half my games on my Windows machine just for the performance gains