Mods 108 communities?
What we have here, sir and/or madam, is a Reddit mod. Excessive modding, a smell you can’t quite place, same techniques.
Gotta say: I was hoping we wouldn’t be followed by that type.
Mods 108 communities?
What we have here, sir and/or madam, is a Reddit mod. Excessive modding, a smell you can’t quite place, same techniques.
Gotta say: I was hoping we wouldn’t be followed by that type.
What she means, and perhaps you already know this, is that helping is sometimes not sought, but instead given to the unwilling and not wanting. Growth only occurs in greater steps when failure is an option. Helping stunts that progress.
They should create a third enemy that they ask the community to keep mostly hidden, only accessible to the best (progressed above a certain point) Helldiver. This is a bad, if fun, idea though.
So I guess what would everyone like to see?
I was getting my vehicle worked over recently. At the time I was listening to a podcast. A couple other people, probably early 50s were chatting. The old dude in the corner, likely around 70-80 was just sitting there hands empty, looking around, reading nothing like some kind of psychopath.
For 40 minutes.
He did nothing.
It was honestly rather impressive.
It’s always fascinating to witness, in an age of easily accessible information, not a person who parrots cruel words or malicious ideas, but rather someone who is so wholly and completely ignorant you’d expect them to tell you a story about how they used to live under a rock before some dudes in white coats thawed them from an ice slab.
In this thread:
Everyone not on the Right doing what they do best:
Argue incessantly with one another.
And ya’ll wonder why the Left struggles so often.
The best case is the dems pushing him aside and going to fucking town with another candidate.
The second best, and possibly sleeper choice, is Biden taking this atrocious debate performance and going apeshit to fix it, by forcing the dems to follow his lead. Assuming he was feeling under the weather enough to cause that display. This could be turned around with enough pissed off energy behind it because that’s what the Dems need to do: Step up, fire back, and actually fight fire with fire for once. No more of the upturned nose. They would gain supporters this way and if done correctly Biden would set himself up in a better position than prior to the debate.
You can guess, though, which one is a more dangerous decision.
Tip: Always write over things you don’t want seen in the same color they were originally written in, if you can’t completely redact it. This fucks with our brain’s ability to distinguish a pattern, which is all reading really is anyway.
Thank you!
I hesitate to look these things up myself because not only is it a heck of a rabbit hole, sometimes those holes are actually tricksty gophers. So I appreciate it. :)
I think, probably…spending many hours over a few weeks helping people experience and love Journey after I got my White Robe. Twirling around on the sand dunes, exploring strange places, avoiding danger, and finally seeing them pass through that mountain.
For me every time someone stuck it out added to the memories and I hope each of them remembers that chirpy white robed player who made the game just a little more fun.
Soooo a game, which is not paid for nor developed by the community, and is rather purchased with the knowledge that it is a difficult game which will require ample skill to surpass its many challenges, should put in difficulty sliders despite them fundamentally going against the very nature of the game itself?
Good on you for calling your Mom.
I embarrassed the COO of a large organization once in front of approximately half of that organization’s management. Managed to get away with it. So yes, I can say with some certainty that being able to stand up and freely express yourself is character building and, frankly, fucking awesome.
What they mean is normally when something isn’t being paid for, you are the actual product. It’s why people should never use free password managers, for instance.
Proton may be unique in that the free tier might actually be exactly what it says it is: A product for you. Not a product OF you.
I’m already interested. Anywhere I can get more information that is not on Proton’s website?
I treat AI the same way I’ve always treated Google: WITH ABSOLUTE DISDAIN Using them as a shove in the right direction and for research purposes to supplement research already being done. ChatGPT for instance is actually pretty decent at figuring out vaguely defined things if worked through. Is it perfect? Hell no. It can help narrow down the options though.
I’m certain you’ll do great! Creating a video game is a tremendous undertaking, and you are risking a lot more than your time and energy by making this. All of us want that effort and those sleepless nights to work out for you. :)
You got this, my friend.
Good luck. It wasn’t a post, it was a top level comment and I have a dim memory of it only being slightly related to the post topic.
Hey! So, I’ll go into more detail once I have a strong enough connection to watch the videos smoothly. For now some general advice that is often missed by new game devs:
Make your game fun. Not just fun to you; fun to others too. Even if that means taking a step back and looking at a mechanic you personally enjoy from a very objective perspective.
Make sure the game runs well. Limit the jittering and framerate hiccups. Give flexibility to controls. Let people change them. Provide all the options.
Drip feed mechanics into the gameplay in a natural way BUT make sure everything is technically unlocked immediately. This opens up more replayability without the opening slog some games force people to sit through.
Finally, ask for help and take criticism seriously. None of us are shitting on something you have put tremendous work into. We want the experience to be awesome. As much for you as for us.
Bonus: If you can, try and release your game on Steam between other releases in the same, or in adjacent, genres. Also consider reaching out to streamers that have shown they are willing to give factual and fair critiques, reviews, and chances for a game.
I have been considering creating a game for some time and these are the rules I would follow. Fun factor and playability absolutely stomp on everything else. A fun, playable, easy to get into experience will sell itself. From there it’s just a matter of holding onto the hype long enough to make all that effort so very much worth it. got it mostly right from my research, though their backgrounds will still have that bar. If you use a black, or near black, background, especially one not at your native resolution, that gradient will be most noticeable. Using other backgrounds that do not have a black strip along the top you might still be able to see it if you squint.
For those of you curious: Change your background to a solid black from the background menu in settings, or grab something similar elsewhere. Then crank your brightness up. Chances are it’ll be there for you too if you’re not running a third party launcher.
I haven’t found a way to turn it off in native yet.
The most infuriating thing about Starfield is its potential. Another year to flesh out the system with a few interesting spots and work out the NPC quirks and that alone would bump it up from high C tier to B. Fundamentally the game just could have been amazing and that is perhaps the biggest reason why I’m, at least, so disappointed by Bethesda. Lots of honestly rather little issues that culminate into a mediocre experience that can and does often get boring quickly.