Just a heads up, this person is a known troll across lemmy they’re well known for their hostile and inflammatory content and just saying things to get a rise out of people, this person also isn’t exactly receptive to feedback. Just wanted to let you know since trying to talk with someone like this is like talking to a brick wall.
He’s always like this unfortunately.
You were banned because you were arguing for why people shouldn’t be arrested for possession of CSAM material, trolling and straw-manning in the replies, and on top of that attempting to seriously and honestly advocate for pedophiles on another community, which is at best borderline illegal (anyone can check the modlog on that one if they don’t believe me, I wouldn’t make such claims if they weren’t true).
So to summerize you were banned for
I would definately agree that this would very likely count as cyber terrorism, and if it doesn’t it should.
I had no idea how right I was at the time I commented that, since I hadn’t scrolled far back enough in his comment history but yeah, way more right than I would’ve liked 😬
Matrix is a secure chat protocol used by the Devs to message eachother.
A pull request is a way of proposing and contributing code on git-based platforms like github, gitlab, and codeberg.
I guess this is also the difference between getting caught or not. To me, rapist that is never caught is still a rapist even if they are never labelled as such, so a pedophile that hides it forever successfully is still a pedophile.
Agreed. If they did it but hid it and never were publicly labeled as a pedophile they are still a pedophile because of their actions and intentions, even if they were never caught and/or cancelled/convicted for it.
Wait I noticed that there’s an image button in the application form, is there any risk that that might be abused by users passing by to upload to pictrs in registrations without an account? That could be a big problem if they could.
Lol you do realize blocking on Lemmy means to ignore them, it’s not going to silence them or more critically prevent them from downvoting or reporting you like it does on Reddit.
You’re just going to stop seeing them, they can keep calling you out for it. You just made it easier for them.
Oh by the way, MAP stuff really doesn’t look good on you (that’s in your comment history). Yeah maybe you think I’m a terrible person because I think drugs should be treated less harshly but you have literally said in other comments that Pedophiles should be allowed to get off on what turns them on (which I remind you is exploitation of Minors). That is a very different stance than people shouldn’t be beaten and arrested for snorting coke, you’re literally advocating for people to be allowed to produce and consume abuse material and claiming that it’s acceptable for people to be pedophiles, and pursue their attractions instead of getting help. I don’t know how you don’t see what is wrong with that. Like seriously this is either really bad trolling (way too far) or, you’re one of them.
Too bad, I’m “kid agnostic”; they might as well be cars or dragons —drawn or otherwise—, I don’t care whether they’re “kid” or “grownup” cars or dragons.
I think I now know which one it is if that statement from the horse’s mouth is to be believed…
FBI doesn’t use pitchforks bud, they have tasers and guns.
Okay, fair enough. I wasn’t considering those people since they’ll never really be labelled pedophiles due to hiding their mental illness from the world (only really disclosing it to mental health professionals if ever) and never acting on it. It’s the actions committed or fantasies endorsed that differentiate someone from merely being mentally ill or a monster.
Disclaimer: Would like to say, it is valid for me or anyone else to say pedophiles are mentally ill but it is not valid to say that gay people are mentally ill, homosexuality is a legitimate sexual orientation because people pursuing homosexual attractions with other consenting adults does not harm others, (this is not debatable and I WILL report any homophobic arguments I see popping up as a result here) however pedophilia is not like this at all because anyone who pursues it will cause harm because children cannot consent and therefore these interactions are harmful to them and anyone involved, which is why it is a mental illness (again this is also not debatable, anything that causes harm to others by acting on it is not a valid orientation but a mental illness, same thing goes for rapists).
Do you know why we have possession laws against CSAM in the first place? It’s because people buy and sell abuse material in underground markets, it’s another way they profit off the abuse of children. This is nothing like drug possession laws (which are stupid) because the product is literally a direct product of the abuse of children that many of the people in possession likely helped the criminals in order to obtain it (either directly or by paying them for it).
So yes in this case it does make sense to criminally charge people for possession of something like this considering the direct connection CSAM has to child trafficking and child sexual abuse and when you defend it by going against possession laws it makes it seem like you support these criminals.
What he’s saying is FBI CHECK THAT GUY’S HARD DRIVE!
Amazing, you think that being against pedophiles makes someone a bigot, do you think the same applies to being against Nazis as well? Paradox of tolerance much?
There’s a very clear difference between the arguments you cited and pedophilia, which is that pedophilia causes physical and psychological harm to the child who is the victim and also is extremely psychologically harmful to the people who witness such event or the abuse material from it. I don’t think you realize how severe this is or you wouldn’t be trying to defend such heinous acts right now.
Sign-ups are manual approval applications, no more automated sign-ups from them, if they have existing accounts and target another community it’ll be closed as well and those accounts banned, there isn’t a stream of new accounts though because all accounts going forward need to be manually approved.
Vote manipulation will be tricky to enforce, since votes can come from any Instance due to the whole federation thing, if the user uses the same username on their account it’s easy but if not it can be very difficult if not impossible.