It will benefit the wealthiest few and harm everyone else, so of course that’s what he’s going to do.
It will benefit the wealthiest few and harm everyone else, so of course that’s what he’s going to do.
At this rate, we’re going to reach the gulags and mass graves stage by about April.
Legal experts view the case as weak, but it coincides with Paramount Global’s regulatory review, leading to reported settlement talks.
Even as cynical as I am, I never thought I’d actually see the US fall so far.
And it’s only just started…
Of course not.
It’s not as if Trump is difficult to figure out or predict.
All you have to do really is keep in mind the fact that he has the emotional development of a spoiled toddler.
So all you have to do is ask yourself, for instance, “Would a spoiled toddler share power with Congress?”
And the answer is “No.”
This isn’t even a political issue really.
Trump’s ENTIRE motivation is the prospect of his family making a fortune in Gaza waterfront real estate.
It’s a given that one of Trump’s prerequisites for the position was that his FBI director be unprincipled and corrupt, and the only possible variable is the exact nature of that corruption.
It IS a hostile takeover. Musk and Trump are currently in the process of overthrowing the US government and installing a pluocratic autocracy in its place.
Are we really in a timeline in which a fat, smelly sociopath wirh the attention span of a gnat proposes taking over a sovereign territory on the other side of the planet and actual professional politicians go on record saying that they think that’s a good idea?
It’s as if we’re being governed by insane stupid children.
It’s been there all along - it’s just been routinely ignored by the legacy media.
That said - there is a sort of interesting meta-topic here.
It’s arguably likely that there’s a relatively powerful and serious opposition to Trump coming together, simply because the NYT is so craven and cowardly and ethically bankrupt that there’s basically no way that they’d publish something like this unless there was somebody other than Trump that they could suck up to by doing it.
For whatever that’s worth.
Yes, but all too many Americans have been blinded by decades of deliberate indoctrination, so all they heard were the parts where Trump said it was all the fault of the out groups they were conditioned into hating. The rest was just irrelevant details to them.
Which is exactly why I stipulated “when the reality of what’s being done to us finally filters out to enough people to trigger widespread opposition.”
If the American people by and large were actually aware and rational, that point would’ve already been passed. They aren’t, so it hasn’t been, and it likely won’t be for quite some time to come, and it’ll be too late when it finally is.
By design.
It’s not a coincidence that Trump and Musk and their mercenaries are actively working to overthrow the US government and replace it with a plutocratic autocracy.
It’s primarily so that when the reality of what’s being done to us finally filters out to enough people to trigger widespread opposition, the only options left will be to submit, to go to prison or to die.
I think that if humanity can manage to survive long enough, anarchism is inevitable.
It’s essentially the adult stage of human society - the point at which humans collectively and consistently, rather than just individually and situationally, can be trusted to generally do the right thing simply because it’s the right thing and therefore the most reasonable thing to do.
For the time being and the foreseeable future though, humanity is nowhere even close to that. Through the course of history, human society has managed to advance to about the equivalent of adolescence. There’s still a long way to go.
In spite of that, I do identify as an anarchist, but my advocacy is focused on the ideal and the steps humanity as a whole has to take to achieve it. I think it’s plainly obvious that it cannot be implemented, since any mechanism by which it might be inplemented would necessarily violate the very principles that define it. It can only be willingly adopted by each and all (or close enough as makes no meaningful difference), and that point will come whenever (if) it comes.
I’ve been deliberately avoiding addressing that whole aspect of it, since Trump and Musk are the obvious primary insurrectionists - the day-to-day leaders of this brazen attempt to overthrow the US government and install a plutocratic autocracy in its place.
But yes.
The Trump administration is systematically purging anyone who worked on the investigations into his criminal activities.
If that isn’t sufficient to trigger a significant response from the Senate all by itself, then they’re rather obviously part of the problem, and likely complicit in Trump’s current ongoing efforts to overthrow the US government and repace it with a plutocratic autocracy with himself as supreme ruler.
Pretend you know nothing at all about “AI”/LLMs, and someone comes to you and says, “I want to start a service that will scrape everything that anyone’s ever posted to the internet, let some corporate weasels decide which parts of it you’re allowed to see, then feed you bits and pieces of what’s left in some order or another.”
Does that sound appealing?
Partisanship in a corrupt system requires at least some willful blindness.
This is a bribe.
This is what the US has come to. A billionaire just openly and brazenly paid the President of the United States a bribe.
Is anyone going to do anything about it?
Chrono Trigger - SNES, 1995
As if Trump is subject to court rulings…
A loaf of Skyrim bread.