What type of biscuit though? Hobnobs? Custard Creams? Honestly I’m struggling to think of a biscuit that would go well with chicken.
What type of biscuit though? Hobnobs? Custard Creams? Honestly I’m struggling to think of a biscuit that would go well with chicken.
Fusilli. The spiral shape allows the right amount of pasta sauce to stick to it so you get a nice pasta-to-sauce ratio.
I think you might be right about that
He looks like Jimmy Carr with a bigger jaw.
I think I’d be ok with removing my ad blocker if ads were simple and non intrusive and creators actually got a decent chunk of the ad revenue. The reason I use it however is that most websites have proven that if you give them an inch they’ll take a mile. So many websites now have so many ads that the actual content is barely visible through the mid-page ads, auto play videos, popups and banners. And that’s not even mentioning the tracking and cookies they now request/use. The internet has become unusable without an ad blocker. If I want to support someone’s content I’d rather use whatever donation method they have set up.
I’ve only been wearing glasses for a few months and only when I’m in front of a pc screen. How on earth does anyone keep them clean?
Bit of a mixed bag. Arctic monkeys and fall out boy makes sense as top 2. I think my music taste varies wildly enough that Katy Perry and P!nk must have just sneaked in there over other artists.
A big catalogue of everything I’ve scanned. We’re part of constellation and we go around scanning everything so it makes sense that we’d build up a catalogue of systems, planets, moons, and everything on them.
I’d like a kind of draft mode or ‘save as draft’ option when building a ship. Sometimes Im not quite happy with a design and I want to come back to it later. But currently the only options seem to be cancel the whole design or make it pass the flight checks.
I use both Reddit and Lemmy now. I used to use RiF on mobile but now Reddit for me is pc only. Liftoff for Lemmy has taken over that spot on my phone now. The main reason I haven’t been able to completely switch is just the lack of some of my favourite sub Reddits switching over to Lemmy. The Lemmy communities exist but they’re lacking numbers.
I’m still waiting on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to go on sale. I refuse to pay full price, months after release, for a game that seemed to have a few performance issues on release, plus it’s an EA game. I also have a bit of a backlog of games I’m still playing, so I’m in no rush to buy a new game at the moment.
Just because you wouldn’t use a Sharpie in those instances doesn’t mean it’s not a pen. It has other uses. Writing a sign for a shop window, creating a poster by hand, or creating a protest sign. It’s used basically anywhere where the text needs to be large, clear, and visible from a distance.
That’s part of Australia. It’s where they plan to host Eurovision if they ever actually win it.
Sounds like smart shuffle might be enabled. I’ve never had an issue with Spotify adding songs it thinks I might like when I use the normal shuffle mode.
How long until Elon starts referring to himself as Mr X, like Homer does in an episode of The Simpsons?
Truly the most amazing website on the internet. (Just a heads up, there are some flashing images)
Have a look on greenman gaming. It’s 32% off. £33.99 in the UK.
I know what they are. It was a bit of a deliberate play on words, swapping the American and English definitions of biscuit. A joke that was perhaps a bit too subtle or too British for Americans to comprehend.