Just double checked and this also happens in Firefox. I think the other user in this thread has explained it well, looks like a JavaScript intercept onClick to prevent the link action and instead call a JavaScript function to open a different link.
In this case it is built into the site so I guess it is OK on the basis that I am trusting LinkedIn to not do anything malicious but it was more the principle as I had previously looked at the status bar to confirm the link was what I was expecting but in the future I will be more wary. Interestingly, right clicking and selecting “copy link” does actually copy the page which is loaded as opposed to the one on the status bar.
If you have linkedin it seems to be links in direct messages if you would like to see yourself.
I get that Reddit data is useful for AI, but I’m not this massively unique treasure trove they seem to think it is. It’s gone to shit anyway now either way.