An important point:
"The higher level is: What do we do with these big corporations? One is we’ve got to subordinate them constitutionally. So corporations should never have equal rights with real people. Now they’re connecting with AI. You want a deadly cocktail? Connect artificial persons called corporations with AI.
Founders intent was for corporations to be temporary
We have a system designed for 1% of the present population
We have a system designed for information moving at the speed of horse
Founders intent was a representative for 30,000 citizens, presently a representative for 700,000 citizens
We have a system that is completely over whelmed by the number & complexity of decisions to be made
We need more channels for informed feedback
Having a meaningful political opinion has
I lived in California in 2000 & voted for Ralph, knowing Gore had Cali in the bag
The way I remember it, Bush deported some Salvadoran gang members from LA, who showed their friends in the homeland how to do the gang thing & everyone came back to the USA for fun n profit
MS13 was born
We certainly have supported a series of despotic regimes in El Salvador for at least the last century, in support of various corporate interests
Isn’t Marco one of those anchor babies? :D