San Andreas Max Health + $250k. Saved me in the warehouse mission in Las Venturas lol. I hope I’m getting this right:
San Andreas Max Health + $250k. Saved me in the warehouse mission in Las Venturas lol. I hope I’m getting this right:
You’re right, that is an unrealistic solution. I’ve never been interested in sports, so I admit I didn’t really put much thought into that. I guess, in my mind, trans people in sports is one of the less dire issues we face today. But, I should acknowledge that there are trans people whose life revolves around sports, and I appreciate you framing it the way it is: separate but ‘equal.’ That really adds a stark perspective to it that I admittedly had not considered.
Thank you so much for linking research, I’ll read that right now.
EDIT: I didn’t read the article, I clicked their link to the study and read the abstract and data. So, if I’m reading the data correctly, the only factor measured where trans athletes have an advantage is the slightly higher grip strength of trans women? Just making sure I’m interpreting that correctly. Thank you so much for sending that my way.
I’m not debating anything! I admit I don’t know which is why I was asking for information! I see that OP links to research in the screenshot, but I can’t see any links for me to click in this crosspost OR the original post! I said my opinion and welcomed facts to prove me wrong, and at no point have I tried to argue I’m correct! You’re right, there is no debate, I’m not trying to debate! But I figured someone, maybe even OP, would at least link the studies from the screenshot. Especially since I don’t know what community the discussion originally happened in!
Maybe the wording of my post drew some ire, and for that I apologize. But I sincerely think that having a misinformed opinion is not cause to shame someone, especially if they’re literally asking for information! If you think that all I’m going to do when I see the studies is call them bullshit, that’s fine, I get it. The internet is hostile and there are bad actors everywhere trying to get people to waste time and energy. But are you seriously going to just shit on me for being ignorant and just tell me “uhhh stop it dumbass” without even trying to educate? I get that I have internalized transphobia… kinda comes with the territory of being a rural trans woman. I just thought this would be the fucking space to ask.
Later in life like, after puberty… I feel like I was pretty clear.
I’m not using my gut, I’m using my eyes and seeing trans athletes that are bigger and wider than cisgender peers, and then asking if that affects anything in certain sports. Nowhere did I state trans women shouldn’t be playing any sport. I posed that as a question, then followed up with my thoughts on the issue and asked for dialogue contradicting my opinion - because I want to be wrong about this! I’m just asking because I thought this would be a good place to ask. Judging by both responses to my comment, it’s apparently more important for me to know I’m wrong than to help me know what’s right.
Are you a trained medical professional?
Maybe some people learn things by asking questions in the right spaces to be corrected intellectually. I’m completely fine with being wrong, that’s why I asked a controversial question here. I don’t need you to provide studies to rethink my opinion, I just figured people in this thread might have some available. Apparently the only thing you have on hand at the moment is snark.
Also you’ll only help educate people if you get paid? What??? This would have been such a good moment to point me toward literally any resources that could help in my research. You didn’t even have to link a study, you could just link a database. You and I both know there are studies funded by special interest groups that are biased against trans people. I never claimed to have a credible opinion, which is why I invited discourse.
Anyway, thanks for your statement. I guess I’ll have to look into this more myself. Just keep in mind that most people, when the burden of research is placed upon them by someone who clearly has knowledge of the subject, will simply say “fuck that” and keep being ignorant.
Why don’t we just make a trans league so we can just stop talking about this with anyone ever again?
Also, does a person who has gone through male puberty before transition not have at least some advantage in certain areas due to bone structure alone? I understand that trans girls who pre-empt puberty are likely physically equivalent to their cisgendered peers, but I have my reservations about integrating people who transition later in life. If I’m wrong, I would love to see any studies anyone may want to share.
Whaaaat are you, a wise guy?
Star of Ellen and Never Been Kissed!
This is the plot of an episode of The Office
Didn’t the original artist draw it as a cel?
It is always time to rewatch MegaMind!
I honestly wasn’t going to switch, but him being backed up by the official account was iffy. Even still, I wasn’t necessarily making moves to switch. But I tried to use a new card to pay for my Proton subscription, and it wouldn’t verify. I eventually had to make a Paypal just to pay my bill and avoid losing access to my account. So I kinda decided, “fuck it, they can’t be that shitty of a company and get my money still.”
I was kinda planning to switch, just not urgently. But now, I hope to be fully moved over to Tuta Mail in the next few weeks.
Okay Megamind says trans rights? I knew this would be the case.
Yeah I was gonna hop in here and say Fallout. New Vegas has all the themes of the classic series with the easier to play gameplay of the 3D era. That said though, I really don’t think you can start wherever with that series - IF you want a clear picture of what it’s about. I started with Fallout 3, and that definitely muddies the series themes a bit. Fallout 4 comes around and the realistic themes of humanity’s repetitive follies are all but thrown out the window to focus on the scifi, retrofuturism, and apocalyptic aspects of the series. Fallout 1, 2, and NV are the continued story of society rebuilding and making the same mistakes we always make as a species. Only the first one is a post apocalyptic game, 2 and NV are post-post apocalyptic with large communities and states starting to form.
No hate on the fun there is to be had exploring bombed out ruins, I still love Fallout 3 and I put in a good bit of time with Fallout 4. But while the West Coast tells the story of society rebuilding, with people making adobe houses reasonably soon after the bombs fell and eventually manufacturing concrete, the East Coast is full of convoluted reasons for why society hasn’t rebuilt yet in 200 years and everyone still lives in scrap metal shacks. Not that Fallout games are all realism, but I think the Bethesda games sacrifice the realism of how humanity functions to add more scifi components - and that’s just not what Fallout’s all about.
I should probably say an actual game series I think you can pick up at any game though, and I’ll have to go with Metal Gear Solid. Fantastic story that’s convoluted and told out of order. It doesn’t matter where you start, you’re always going to have fun! I recommend MGS1 for anybody with a day job, and MGS5 for anyone who wants to sink some hours into a sandbox.
Custom: 0%
Every time.
If they give me the No Tip option, I usually tip a little bit. But fuck off with this idea that you should be tipped. It helps no one.
What’s that in the weeds? It’s a baby, awesome!
Loved all of these as a kid but I think 2 is my favorite ;P.
Some genuinely nice men who are socially awkward/autistic might see this and take it to heart that they are bad at their core.
Not a fan of the negative tone of OOP, tbh.
The message here imo is less “you must be awful if women aren’t fucking you” and more “looks don’t matter, be chill.”
Just looked it up, I knew that one was etched into the folds in my brain.