didn’t even knew they had an account there, good can’t see how twitter could ever be a good fit for Debian values or any person with who care about foss.
didn’t even knew they had an account there, good can’t see how twitter could ever be a good fit for Debian values or any person with who care about foss.
Honestly they don’t get enough hate as they should, everyone shits on Twitter changing names and not enough people realize HBO did the same thing changing to Max, who on earth would think that was a good idea lol
This is something I think a lot, how portable gaming kind died. I don’t mean the devices itself, yes the switch and the deck are amazing devices, but I miss games designed and meant to be playable on small devices, like the games we got until the 3DS, games that fit the portable device if that makes sense.
It’s amazing but I simply can’t play a game like Elden Ring on a portable device the same way I used to play my DS.
daemon x mechina
Never played but people always recommend this one in the mecha circles, definitely will check it out whenever I can.
Community and then Futurama are my comfort shows, they never let me down
Can’t wait!!! Yeah network test dates and all align to have a release during Elden Ring release anniversary mark my words and praise the sun \`[T] /