Moderates and republicans often vote dem especially in the case of Trump.
It’s the leftists that sabotage their own elections, screeching “genocide Joe” until Trump gets elected. That’s who Dems should stop courting.
Moderates and republicans often vote dem especially in the case of Trump.
It’s the leftists that sabotage their own elections, screeching “genocide Joe” until Trump gets elected. That’s who Dems should stop courting.
You can’t threaten someone with a government shutdown if they are already trying to defund the government.
You’re calling me a troll just because you don’t like what I say. This is a good way to make yourself bias in this echo chamber.
He is trying to shut it down by dismantling it.
Threatening to give him what he wants by defunding the government just gives him what he wants but places the blame on the Dems.
By shutting down the government
Trump makes protestors disappear and you claim both sides are the same?
I didn’t say they deserved it. That is you putting a spin on my words.
Palestinian protestors chose to discourage voters from voting for “genocide Joe”.
Even while so many predicted this outcome and tried to avoid it.
You’re purposefully misrepresenting what I said.
The way to prevent protestors from disappearing is to vote for “genocide Joe”.
Paelestinian protestors chose to discourage voters from preventing this. They chose this outcome while so many tried to prevent it.
I gave a shit. That’s why I voted for “Genocide Joe”. Because I wanted to prevent this. But you can’t save someone from themselves.
It’s hard to empathize after the paelestinian protestors chose this over “genocide Joe”.
A government shutdown would no doubt help the GOP dismantle the government faster.
[at least allow us to have this fake fight, then, yeah, enough of us will flip yes to get it across the finish line]
But this part was entirely made up and not stated by the source.
This article headline claims the opposite of what it sources state:
“I think we’re going to all be ‘no’ on cloture unless we get an agreement to propose at least this 30-day clean [continuing resolution] amendment and maybe a couple of others,” Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia told reporters Thursday morning. “So we’ll be ‘no’ on cloture unless we get an agreement to do that. I’m not aware of whether the Republicans have agreed to that yet, but we’ll be ‘no’ on cloture if we don’t get it, and I think that’s a unified position.”
“There’s basically one path to keep the government from shutting down and one door to unlock, and Democrats have the keys,” he said. Thune filed cloture on the House-passed measure Thursday night, setting up a Friday vote.
This is an opinion piece
Except dems have been winning without leftists. Dems have also lost because of leftists like in 2024.
That is how leftists ratchet governments to the right. By losing elections for themselves and anyone that parties with them. Then attacking the dems that gave them a chance.
So dems cater to actual voters that show up and vote and have nuanced, diverse ideologies in the middle of the spectrum.
Instead of working with leftists that screech “genocide Joe” until Trump gets elected.
This is what’s wrong with leftists. They never win any elections because they don’t understand the importance of voting.
Dems lose by 2 million votes in 2024 because of leftists getting tricked into not voting over Gaza.
Leftists respond by acting like it’s some big defeat and dems need to start taking campaign advice from leftists that cannot win elections.
On the other hand Trump loses by 3x as many votes in 2020 and comes back to win the next election by doubling down on his strategy.
If Trump had leftists trying to tell him how to campaign he would’ve lost in 2016 and 2024.
If recession happens without democrats shutting down the government then republicans can’t use that as a scapegoat and more people blame republicans for the recession.
Government shutdowns make the people that cause them unpopular with voters.
It’s a vote. You can’t win a vote with feelings or vibes or a “can do attitude”.
It requires votes.
They can vote. If they do not have enough dems to vote they have to reach across the aisle to get votes from conservatives.
Conservatives will not help without getting something in return.
What you’re saying is dems should give conservatives concessions which will then be used as a talking point to blame dems more.
That’s what “fighting” means in this context.
What makes you think Trump doesn’t want the shutdown?