He’s always had some dumb gamer takes and a reactionary audience, but over the past year or so he seems to be going full-on chud. Sad.
He’s always had some dumb gamer takes and a reactionary audience, but over the past year or so he seems to be going full-on chud. Sad.
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Germany is completely losing it. You’d think that if you’re a German zionist trying to suppress pro-Palestine protests in Germany of all places, you’d say things like “Old Nazi sentiments are still alive and well, how saddening”. You’d go hard on invoking the Nazis, right?
Nope. The entire German establishment has decided that anti-Israel sentiment is caused by RADICAL ISLAMIST AGITATORS. The discourse in Germany around pro-Palestine protests leans insanely hard on islamophobia and in what felt like days, it has suddenly become accepted as a fact that “Germany has a radical islam problem” after, and I can’t stress this enough, nothing has happened whatsoever. There was no inciting incident or anything (and no, nobody talks about the Moscow attack). There’s also an outright hysteria around Russian/Chinese spies. Absolute insanity.
I’m sure those Ukrainian military aged men will feel honored to die for the Raytheon stock price
n-tv: Military economist: Putin has already strategically lost the war (Article in German)
An article from July 2022, you think? Nope, 26th April of 2024.
Russia has been leading an offensive war against Ukraine for over two years now. Despite Moscow’s current progress at the front, military economist Keupp sees the Kremlin as the imminent losers. In the long term, he thinks, Russia stands no chance against the industrial capabilities of the West.
The article talks about how Ukraine is fighting a war of attrition and how that is actually a very good thing.
“Let’s not forget that Ukraine has an active reserve of a million men.”
Ah, good to know there’s still a lot of fuel left for the meat grinder
A “red line”? Motherfucker you have no leverage whatsoever.
If she did that she would be banned from re-entering Germany
Article in German newspaper titled “More than just harsh words”… about how Annalena Baerbock got into an argument with Netanyahu
Rabid dogs
Well it’s a “win-win” assuming Israel doesn’t get obliterated
You can’t get fascists with technicalities like that because laws are just words. Liberals care about words, fascists don’t. Fascists don’t have that same pretense that the same laws should apply to everyone, they’ll happily ignore it when it’s inconvenient for them and nobody will see an issue with it. To them, laws exist purely to subjugate and oppress.
I don’t think both sides are using this same very specific tactic to begin with, if it’s been used at all and it’s not just random posts.
It doesn’t sit right with me to assume the worst for one side while assuming the best for the other when they’re deploying the exact same methods. Zionists could just as easily say “The IDF is trying to lure Khhamas because they love beheading babies, Khhamas uses it because they know our heroic IDF soldiers will try to save the babies.”
I’m not trying to both sides this discussion. I know the argument of “assuming intent” has been abused to deflect Israel’s genocidal intentions, but there’s a limit. This is a pretty extreme example of assuming intent and I don’t like it, it feels dishonest.
So uh
A while ago I saw posts that said “The resistance is using the sound of crying babies to lure in IOF soldiers because they know that IOF soldiers love murdering babies” and just earlier I saw a post on twitter that said “The IOF is using the sound of crying babies next to auto-turrets to lure in empathetic Palestinians who want to save helpless children”
Zionazis undeniably love murdering kids and these technically aren’t mutually exclusive but it still kinda feels like a Parenti quote moment.
Waiting for Hamas to give early access to patreon supporters
“Keep politics out of games” and the whole “escapism” line are nonsensical the more you think about it.
Video games are not an “escape from reality” into something completely new and different, they will always be reinterpretations of our current reality because that’s all we know and all we can create. Reinterpretations that display how we believe the world works, how we feel about the world and what we would like it to be. Any piece of art involving any kind of society will therefore always be political, because you can’t write a society without displaying how you believe societies work and/or how they should work.
Either way, even shitty science should be freely accessible so your point doesn’t make any sense.
It really shouldn’t. We saw through the COVID vaccine hysteria just how harmful shitty science can be. A lot of people died completely preventable deaths because we live under the illusion that reason prevails under the free marketplace of ideas or some nonsense like that.
Grouping a literal feral hog with Pelosi would be disrespectful