Too bad WaPo is fascist trash now
Too bad WaPo is fascist trash now
Because how else would we feel superior?
Another benefit to driving the speed limit is that, on average, you are less likely to encounter a driver going slower than you in your lane, vs if you were driving faster. So you end up not changing lanes as often
It doesn’t matter what is “allowed,” people in highly developed countries, especially ones with low immigration, are experiencing freefalling birth rates that are already well below the replacement rate, and governments are BEGGING women to have more babies. See South Korea, China, and Japan
I feel like people don’t give 3 enough credit for really going there with the tragic ending, fully committing to having everything go to shit to set up the original trilogy
Do people really draw their curly braces like that? With a loop?
Tidal? Really? That’s the alternative? No thanks
Oh honey
His hand?
I’m on tech.lgbt and it’s still going strong, if you want to give mastodon another try 🙂
This would be a perfect candidate for the mastodon hashtag #bloomscrolling
You don’t understand. It needs to be POWDER for me to enjoy something with onions in it
Lies. This only results in more disgusting crunching
No that’s just a basset hound. Their neck skin is very loose and would bunch up in that position
This drug will only be administered to dogs who are at least 7 years old and 40+ lbs
Apparently that hasn’t been a thing since 2006 https://now.tufts.edu/2013/03/20/other-fluoride-benefits-stannous-fluoride
Also make sure you choose a toothpaste that has stannous fluoride and not sodium fluoride. It’s much more effective
These “crappy screenshot of a crappy screenshot of a crappy screenshot…” memes are so annoying
Ahh green onions, the glitter of the culinary world
But you didn’t. You didn’t even read the article