I think this has everything to do with the “Kenya-led intervention” US imperialists are trying to create in Hati
I sail the high seas of the Lemmyverse, posting snarky + Lefty comments
I think this has everything to do with the “Kenya-led intervention” US imperialists are trying to create in Hati
All the same great war crimes you know and love, now with half the calories!
I found this in the wastelands of Google: https://www.howtogeek.com/linux-distributions-to-breathe-new-life-into-old-hardware/
I read the guide and it seems pretty solid.
If it is not x86 is it the Itanium ISA?
I suspect it would be at the bottom right blue cluster with the legumes
You’re welcome!
So if you didn’t care about having to wait for the video to buffer on every scroll, it becomes an easier problem. I kind of think that defeats the purpose of a tiktok-style interface though.
I agree that you wouldn’t necessarily need to build a new algorithm, but like I said, it’s part of the smooth scrolling magic
I’m a dev but not very good at mobile.
I can promise you that a lot of engineering work went into making the tiktok scrolling experience so smooth. Part of the trick is having a good enough algorithm that the user wants to watch the majority of served videos.
Another huge part of it is having lightning fast content distribution and aggressive “prefetching” of the next videos in the feed.
I don’t want to discourage you but I also don’t want you to be caught off guard by the difficulty. Do you want to make this bad enough to give it your nights and weekends for a year?
Hans Kristian Graebner (stonetoss) is a literal nazi
Rail is fundamentally superior to roads + cars at an engineering level.
All at the same time:
Rail has a smaller footprint
Rail moves multiple times more people or cargo per hour
Rail has multiple times more fuel efficiency
The fact that USA’s policy has been designed to favor cars only makes them more ‘practical’ than rail if you consider political constraints more binding than physics constraints.
I’ll grant that trucks have tighter turning radii and maximum operating grade. If we truly only used them when those characteristics are needed THAT would be ‘practical’
There are actually anti-greenhouse gasses like SO₂ (of acid rain fame(!))
ELI5: a database is the “memory” of a program.
Every piece of data that any software uses almost certainly comes from and goes to multiple databases.
Once the data is stored, you can execute “queries” to have powerful access to update many records at a time, read particular records based on their relationship to other records, and so much more.
Your bank balances, your purchase history, your emails, every part of your digital life is almost certainly spread across a constellation of databases.
Bonus Fediverse content:
Lemmy itself uses the Postgres database extensively. Posts, users, comments, votes and more are all individually stored in the database.
Mastodon also uses Postgres. If a post goes up on Lemmy, and a Mastodon server is federated with it, the Lemmy server will send out a HTTP request to the Mastodon server containing the contents of the post. The Mastodon server will use this information to write its own record of the post in its own database.
Regarding your question about VMs: You can run a database inside a VM, or give the VM access to an outside database via queries, or both! You might run SQLlite (a small and excellent embedded database) on the VM to track its local state, while also running queries against a large postgres database to synchronize with other services in the cluster.
Your trackpad + driver would have to have Linux gesture support, not all do
“useful and convenient”…
How about deadly, destructive, and isolating?
Or we could just ignore the corrupt alliance of industry colluding to eliminate other transportation options and wax poetic about the Free Market and Rugged Individualism, right?
Fuck cars and fuck Uber but this sounds like a reaction to Lyft being integrated in the (excellent) Transit app
That’s what I thought!
I think blocked by you and deleted from their home instance
I think they are “deleted user” and “blocked user”, respectively
Agree with the message but I probably won’t be sharing this because the readability is so poor
Instructions unclear: crash landed on the moon.
Still stressed
Pretty weak response. What would a good comeback have been?
“Hur dur good job bro you sure showed those librulz and gayz”?