Aside from what everyone else is saying, don’t use dependencies that you don’t have to. Particularly don’t use big “frameworks”. If you use any dependencies, use tiny, focused ones that do one thing. The more code there is underneath what you’re writing, the more likely it will cause problems that you will internalize. I’ve seen it many times. Spring (Java), for instance, will do something not as advertised, and devs will think they’re bad coders because they “can’t write code that works as it’s supposed to.” Avoiding that vicious cycle will make you a better coder in the long run.
Also, when things aren’t working with your dependencies, do google for fixes, but don’t google too long. If you haven’t got a solution after an hour of no progress, look at your dependencies’ source code until you understand why and how to fix it.
I’m morbidly curious whether Trump supporters actually believe this kind of shit, but ultimately I don’t think that question even has an answer.