As a large languag model I do not drink water
As a large languag model I do not drink water
Ah yes, the UKs equivalent of the French’s escargot (snails)
WTF when did I type this? My box of wall lights is on a table whilst the non working one adorns my wall. Been that way for quite a while. Maybe today…
Mod: Added delay to let switches settle
Let’s go… …I’m blazin’ again
You make a good point about prohibition, I guess that will have had a significant effect. Maybe there are more artisan spirits in the US now having been driven by people with secret stills making moonshine in that period. It’ll be interesting to see where you guys go with the relaxation of marijuana laws. Maybe people will be home breeding new strains.
Burn down the sub station to be sure…
Used to be a speciality of the city of Ely, Cambridgeshire.
American beer is not in anyway better than European beer or even English beer.
Something something tastes like piss.
I think you Americans are beginning the long road to good beer with all your craft ales, but you’ve got a way to go yet.
I prefer La Chouffe, you get to laugh at the gnome on the bottle too 😄
But have you had Belgian beer ortheir fast food. No wonder everyone goes there for a fight.
I had one of these and everything worked well at first. I then upgraded my deck to a 2TB SSD but the new deck image from Steam seems to have made the USB ports no longer support my external controllers. My work laptop comes with a G5 unit and that works fine with them so I’ve not investigated the JSAUX issue yet.
Mini motorways. Very chill game
The cavity magnetron was invented in England by a man who was clearly a tea drinker. The Americans successfully commercialised the device some years later, no doubt by a coffee drinker.
If you guys had more volts in the household electrics you too could use an electric kettle like we do in the UK.
How high did it get? Asking for errr… science…
Thanks for this. I might give it a go next time I make a roast.
Cambridgeshire, county containing the city of Ely. Famous for its eels.
This is the way