Windows Recall did it for me. I switched to Pop!_OS Linux and have been pretty content so far.
Windows Recall did it for me. I switched to Pop!_OS Linux and have been pretty content so far.
My great uncle shot Nazis during WW II, and didn’t seem too broken up about it.
I miss the r/Hinduism community quite a bit. It was a real help for me when I first started following that particular path. Lots of friendly, helpful people.
Thing is, when the whole api fracas happened, I deleted my account and vowed not to use that site again.
“I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant’s faithful. One hundred percent!” -Horton the Elephant
I think the only way to know is to start a community. It may be small, but if it’s active, fun, and full of good discussion (and occasional good-natured trash talk), it can grow.
As a former Reddit user, I’d like to think I traded up to the fediverse.
You have a whole community backing you! And once you’ve installed the OS, you’ll feel like you can conquer the world.