Slut shaming and publicly embarrassing Britney spears was acceptable when he did it but societal attitudes have changed and its not looked at as favorable.
Slut shaming and publicly embarrassing Britney spears was acceptable when he did it but societal attitudes have changed and its not looked at as favorable.
a community discussing collapse can’t stay in a place which denies overshoot of the ecosystem carrying capacity. The Reese paper doesn’t say a thing about eugenics.
Okay then, what do you propose we do if you believe we’ve overshot our carrying capacity?
We need to start distributing resources more effectively, not culling people. The majority of the human population consumes very little.
When people talk about overpopulation they always want to get rid of people other than the ones in their own home country, strangely. When the advocates for such policies are in first world nations that consume considerably more than the people they want to get rid of.
Let me ask you this: if you believe the earth has exceeded its carrying capacity, wouldn’t your conclusion be to start getting rid of people or halting their reproduction? That’s textbook eugenics…
At this point $60k is not enough to be comfortable especially if you have children.
There is no such thing as anonymous telemetry.
No. Part of the suspense and atmosphere of resident evil is that there are contained areas with unknown monsters/mechanics and the scripted boss fights.
Resident evil 4 remake was great in how it introduced new types of enemies in each area and you never knew what was around the corner. I have a feeling that open world mechanics would dull this a bit. You’d be familiar with the areas and always prepared for the enemies.
This is fucking horrific. He shot her as she was trying to run away, stopped, and then shot her some more. A 61 year old woman who was obviously no threat.
I keep hearing about old white people shooting black people that come to their door. Is it that they’re old and on the verge of death and they’ve wanted to kill for so long, so they just say yolo and choose to retire in prison (or die before the trial is even finished)?
No, he shot a 61 year old black woman.
I started playing this very briefly as it was a roguelike I hadn’t tried before. Looks cool so far. Wish the controller controls were better but it can be difficult with these types of games. Golden Krone Hotel had really good controller support
It wasn’t as easy to get, less people were using it outside of very serious bodybuilders, and yeah online sourcing has made it even easier.
And yeah, I’d say in addition to the internet in general, around late aughts/early 2010s started a rise in social media and accompanying body dysmophria skyrocketing in men and boys due to it.
This was also followed by a shift in body ideals for men. You can see this reflected in our celebrities; take the physique of an 80s action guy like Jean Claude Van Damme for instance vs Chris Hemsworth’s Thor.
It followed that guys wanted to look even beefier with physiques that are largely unattainable through natural means, cue rising anabolic steroid usage.
There’s also the rise of things like fitness culture contributing to it and “alpha male” stuff so now every other cis guy is at the TRT clinic for supposed low testosterone levels.
As a bonus it’s now less stigmatized than it used to be.
So now there’s more people using, more people selling it, and more ways to get it if you can’t legally, just a numbers game.
Due to steroids being more and more popular, there’s a lot of info about how to get black market testosterone these days.
edit: also you honestly don’t even have to go online, just go into a gym (or have a masc presenting buddy go into the gym for you if nervous) and you’ll find T
If they’re a child, maybe. Otherwise they get the wall
Hey man, everyone here would like it if you whipped out your whole hog and took a picture of it. Post it.
lost redditor
Holy shit that’s fucked