Well, yeah. If they’re all dead, there’ll be no one to expel! /s
Well, yeah. If they’re all dead, there’ll be no one to expel! /s
If you don’t have at least a million dollars, can you even be considered human? /s
At least they owned the libs!
Nobody follows the actual web standards anyway. Everybody just follows Google because all the web devs can’t be bothered to do anything but Chrome compatibility, and Google can’t be bothered with updating the actual codified standards before pushing out new shit.
Corporate media doesn’t give a shit, this is easy soundbites for them.
But he was gonna lower egg prices! 🙄
As a Cali expat in Washington I approve of this.
The fact that Biden didn’t immediately take advantage of that to purge the court for being blatant enemies of the republic was appalling.
That should have been obvious when they declared the president king.
90s/00s isekai just hit different. But I dunno, much as I enjoyed reading the manga back in the day, this isn’t anything that I really need?
Why would I shell out $50 to play on a tiny ass screen with shitty touchscreen controls? Fuck that noise.
The new LA law that I’m told actually lists 11 commandments.
LessWrong are a bunch of pretentious loons, so you’re not wrong.
Sorry, but there is no context. All of the other bounty hunters just exist to pad out the multiplayer roster and provide random encounters in single player. They don’t actually have any plot significance.
Hey now, Orban cares.
And 160 years later his legacy has been coopted by the same sort of people who killed him to begin with.
Article says that he’s also requested to speak at the Dem convention. So it’s not that he’s supporting El Presidente Convicto, but rather taking the opportunity to speak to a captive audience. Good luck to him, but I’m not gonna hold my breath that he’s actually going to convince anyone there to stop sucking corporate cock.
Every accusation is a confession, after all.
“Senator Elon Musk” is ambiguous phrasing. Obviously, what is meant is “Senator [that] Elon Musk”, but it could also have been calling Aparthiedman himself a senator.