Blockchain based voting leaves a permanent and indelible record on the blockchain for all to see.
Just turn off the camera and manipulate all you like
Not just digital but trustless decentralised blockchain based so it’s impossibly hard to manipulate
I am not in favour of EVMs here.
However there are pros and cons for both systems
I am just saying if you go for an electronic voting system using an airtight blockchain like Bitcoin and ethereum to verify votes using a biometric database is the only system trustworthy enough because.
If you use multiple blockchains like these it would require 10 trillion dollars or more to get the computing and staking power to hack the system.
It’s inconceivably costlier than hacking a physical election.
Russia also has paper ballots and I can assure you we can easily kick out Putin with a blockchain based voting system.
That gives so much more opportunity for human intervention.
A good locksmith is all it takes to manipulate the votes.
Even if you keep it under tight security and surveillance they can bribe the security.
Blockchain technology based (BBVS) could be safer but regular EVMs are still hackable
Trustless systems are always better than centralised systems especially when the government in power is also in authority to decide whether they continue to stay in power.
US has been blessed till now.
But look at Russian or North Korean elections. They also use paper ballots
I am confident that Putin is not gonna last if they go for a blockchain based voting system.
Yeah but then most of his votebank is in UP, MP, Rajasthan. Shouldn’t he be solidifying his rapport in those regions which keep him in power.
Obviously this is not about Gujarati people. They are just the same people as anywhere else in India.
I have specifically mentioned Gujarati billionaires. You know which guys I am talking about.
There are many recent incidents to think of which points in a similar direction.
In Varanasi the livelihood of small boaters is being taken away by large steamers owned by Gujarati billionaires.
In Ayodhya 4500 houses and shops of poor people were bulldozed to build five star hotels owned by Gujarati property tycoons.
In Ahmedabad the biggest semiconductor plant is being built predominantly funded by tax money and low interest loans from Public sector banks but owned by Adani. I mean they literally own the country at this point and if you are paying taxes you are working for them.
I have talked to gujrati middle class people and even they are unhappy with BJP- billionaires rule
Only a handful of billionaires are benefiting from the government policy.
That’s exactly what is happening in India.
Even this contemporary push for hindu nationalism is already making inequality worse than before.
Corruption, unemployment, inflation is getting worse which will further expand the gap between haves and have nots and people are being distracted with culture wars.
There is ample of evidence.
Gujarati businesses are taking over others and driving out local businesses with the help of the government.
A case study of this is the large steamers of Gujarati billionaires that are driving small boaters out of their livelihood in Varanasi
4500 Poor people’s houses and shops bulldozed to build five star hotels owned by Gujarati property tycoons in Ayodhya
World’s largest semiconductor plant being built in Ahmedabad completely bankrolled by taxpayers money but owned by Adani a Gujarati billionaire.
Go search yourself there is plenty of evidence.
Any sensible country will think about providing more incentives to women & couples to have more children and fix financial stressors that’s scaring people away from parenthood.
But no let’s try some nutjob theories 😂
That would require a $69 bill.
I wish the same.
Solar eclipses happen every 1-3 years.
But the darkest shadow called the umbra only falls in a very tiny place, slightly bigger than a few Districts and that shadow moves in a line and those places experience total solar eclipse.
So next year there may be another solar eclipse but New York will not experience a total solar eclipse for a long time.
Also two-thirds of the earth is water so most of the time the umbra falls on the sea.
Nazis are still foolish.
There is no such thing as a German Anglo-Aryan race with blue hair and blonde eyes.
Hilter made it up.
But it was 20 years too early for the discovery of DNA.
Neo-nazis are even stupider to still believe that nonsense like flat earthers.
All Jews in all countries except Zionist Jews are against this bloodshed.
It’s a race war disguised as a crusade.
True. The only thing India’s hindu nationalist have to ask for votes is Islamophobic conspiracy theories.
And they didn’t stop there. They jailed Sikh activists. They jailed all Christian missionaries. All of them.
I mean yeah that’s true but it’s not like Trump is gonna be pro-palestine.
If anything he is gonna be even more pro-israel because it’s a white supremacist colony.