Story suggests that the Democratic Party needs to adapt to new rules or continue to lose.
Story suggests that the Democratic Party needs to adapt to new rules or continue to lose.
I think balloons are possibly an example of an activity that would allow you to focus on external instead of internal and also require a degree of physical activity. Both of those are excellent ways to get a little break from what you described. I might add that suffering with thoughts and feelings sometimes is shortened by allowing ourselves to do it more intensely for a bit. I’d try both - allowing myself to wallow intensely for a bit and then get up and do something for a bit. Repeating as necessary. I’ve found it to help a little bit sometimes. It looks like you’re getting quite a few responses. It’s nice that others identify and care enough to write.
Freindica - hmmm tell us more…
Eternity - A ok
Me too
Thanks for the lead. Now I know about Rufus https://pureinfotech.com/rufus-create-bootable-windows-11-usb/
I said Signal, meant to say Sessions
I’d be interested to hear people’s thoughts about Signal and DeltaChat for messaging
Reading the discussion here. I’d never heard of xmpp. Probably just never registered as a messaging alternative. Just checked out https://xmpp.org/. Wow! Tons of apps. Even some android apps on fdroid. Guess I’ve got some exploring to do.
Ranked Choice Voting
Right, IMO First Past The Post being good enough has led to more partisanship, extremism and polarization. It has increased the power of money and decreased the power of We the People.
Yes! If you like RCV or want to learn more about it check out https://represent.us/
Why don’t you like eternity? What do you like better?
Do both. Ranked Choice Voting and more parties work together just fine. Represent Us
That it’s melamine changes my thinking. Looks like a hot nail but guess it’s not.
Gonna change my mind to stain or burn.
I agree about cutting away the drywall. Easy to fix after, especially since inside a cupboard. I would avoid touching with metal and wear insulated gloves I think.
Thanks for the great post and resources list.
Your crystal ball is likely correct but thankfully this judge is following proper law and procedure anyway.