In a state where corporatism dominates everything and the reins are minimal. We allow corporate A to get away with more than we deem appropriate for the sake of preserving the bottom line. This gives them leverage to do it again and again or to intensify. It also showcases to corporation B that this abuse is at an apparent acceptable threshold, with room to probably get away with a bit more. It’s an abusive cycle that will continue to demolish the well being of more and more people until proper reins are put in place.
You are correct in that numbers leading into Covid rose dramatically and started to fall off over the last, I wanna say, year and a half or so. Still larger than before. I do not have anything against hiring and firing on a by need basis. However, I do think that’s gone too far in this instance. When you have 15-20k people being let go at multiple organizations, there’s something wrong with the decision process in the first place imo.