But you wouldn’t call it gluten. You’d call it seitan, like you just did.
But you wouldn’t call it gluten. You’d call it seitan, like you just did.
They don’t love gluten. Good dough, sure, but I’ve never gone “man, that gluten is unreal”.
A few of the artists I follow put their new releases on cassette.
Who are you and how long have you been there???
If he wants $7tn, he better pay for all the content he stole to do it. Fuck these guys, wanting to become unfathomably rich off other people’s labour.
Pass phrases. “Where did you go to school?” “The gratuitous fax machine yellows mayonnaise tablets”. Still long, easy to copy & paste, easy to say on the phone.
Yeah, I can’t believe that governments and infrastructure services are still using it. I can, at best, see your single tweet, and odds are good I can’t see the most recent. It’s nuts that anyone would ever want to use that as a broad communication platform.
How much? How much of total US power is used by banks? You have a number, right?
It’s a piss off that so many governments and companies still us it as a form of communication.
Sounds like they are into whatever soaks their boat.
I appreciate that, but let me get through my weekend of recording setting cold first please.
Yeah, this is going to be a pain in the ass. At least I have until summer.
Who is making Yutani?
Can’t recommend a hotel Christmas enough. It gives you and your significant other room to breathe and debrief away from the noise. You get a space that is “yours”. Plus, it’s nice to poop in peace.
Holy crap are you giving me flashbacks to my college days.
“When they say stay off the lawn, you stay off the damn lawn!”
Yup. I don’t care if my workflow is suboptimally slow, I can easily see exactly I’m doing with git extensions.
Three or four movies? So he’s giving his two weeks?
Windows 12 won’t be. Windows 12+ChatGPT 100% will be.