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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • Don’t put yourself into an even more miserable situation when it doesn’t even benefit you in a measurable way.
    E.g. Lights/dark rooms: Let’s say you use a 5W LED light bulb (which should be bright enough to decently light most rooms). If you leave that running 24/7 for a whole year, that is going to cost you ~13€/$ (0,3€/$/kWh). You are not going to keep it running 24/7, you are not even going to run it half the day. It is not worth 5 bucks to spend the whole year in darkness, no matter how little money you have.

    Obviously turn off the light when you’re not in the room or it’s the middle of the day in summer, but be reasonable with yourself.

    The same goes for food: Sure, buying cheap staples (in bulk if possible) is a great idea, but don’t try to save 5 cents if that means skipping on the salt, herbs and tomato paste which would take your 2/10 bland bowl of carbs to at least a 7/10 and give you something to look forward to.

  • You do know that you can disable that popup in the settings, right? You can also decide on which page the client opens. So if you set it up right you won’t see an ad inside the client unless you consciously open the store page. And I would think that ads on a storefront are somewhat the point of the storefront.

    Yes, you can be bothered by how much of a cut steam takes, or how they no longer curate what gets on their store, but compared to what’s happening on consoles it’s in another league. If you don’t want to use steam, go ahead and try GOG Galaxy, it’s a bit rough around the edges and doesn’t have every game, but those it has don’t have DRM.

  • I mean, it is tempting if you are a soulless politician that only thinks as far as the next reelection. In 2008 the economy and therefore city finances were just a tiny bit under the weather. If you are then able to pull a deal that nets the city over a billion dollars, that’s great. You won’t be there to see the repercussions and you bolstered the balancesheet for a year, what’s not to like? /s

  • Nah, they would be out for blood in this scenario, otherwise the premise of fighting them wouldn’t make any sense. The bigger problem for the tiny horses is their inability to reach the upper parts of your body. Sure, they probably have a mean bite, but because of their size and the shape of their teeth they most likely won’t be able to enclose your leg. A horse bite crushes, so keep your fingers away and you are most likely fine.

    They also have hooves, so no scratching and climbing. Horses hooves are dangerous because they have a massive horse behind it when it comes flying towards you. Take that away and they could be baby fist for all you should care.

    If you look at their jumping capabilities, yea they ar impressive for an animal of their size, but once you are 30cm tall it’s much less impressive to jump as high as you are tall (and horses really don’t jump all that high, most of it comes from tucking their legs).

    If you compare the tiny horse to a cat, the cat would be much more dangerous, because it has claws, sharp teeth and can reach your face. As long as you wear heavy boots and have a good stomping/kicking technique you should be fine versus duck sized horses.

  • Serisar@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🍮iel
    1 year ago

    Man muss auch bedenken, dass die Sauce auf dem Herd immer flüssiger als man sie eigentlich haben will sein muss. Sobald man sie vom Herd nimmt wird sie kälter und wenn man sie auf dem Herd so hat wie man sie will, wird sie auf dem Teller viel zu fest. Es empfiehlt sich die Löffelprobe zu machen (Rückseite vom Löffel durch die Sauce ziehen, mit dem Finger einmal quer durch und gucken wie die jetzt etwas kältere Sauce in die Lücke fließt).

  • Serisar@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    1 year ago

    Aber die Energie ist nicht immer gleich teuer. Selbst bei den super hohen Gaspreisen letzten Winter kostete eine kWh Gas weniger als eine kWh Strom. Deshalb fährt man, was die reinen Kosten angeht, mit der Heizung besser.

  • Naja, es wird wahrscheinlich schon etwas mehr an Abzug. Zum einen fängt man ja nicht bei 100% der Bezüge an, sondern bei ca. 71% für die reguläre Pension, davon gehen dann die Frühpensionsabzüge runter. Da er wegen dem Jurastudium ziemlich sicher noch keine 40 Dienstjahre voll hat, gibt es da wahrscheinlich auch noch Abzug. Grob überschlagen wird er denke ich bei ca 45-50% der Richterbezüge rauskommen.

    Dann kann im Nachgang aber auch noch seine Pension ganz gestrichen werden, wenn man in einem Disziplinarverfahren nochmal besondere Verstöße, die mit dem Beamtentum unvereinbar sind, feststellt. Das kann auch später noch passieren, darum bin ich da zuversichtlich, dass so einen Typen nochmal ein paar Phrasen “rausrutschen” und man den Kostenpunkt dann komplett streichen kann.