When the Ukraine war kicked off I called the Ukrainian embassy in my country and let them know that my upstairs bedrooms were empty, and that if they could get the people to the US, I could house some. Then I called all of my representatives and senators and asked for refugee status for Ukrainian citizens.
In the end because of political fuckery I didn’t end up hosting any Ukrainians, but my coworker who’s from Ukraine was able to get her family over here.
In the middle of the night with nary a sound to be heard.
Depends on what kind of ai and how much control you want over it. There are some consumer stuff like adobe or elevenlabs, but if a professional is using ai it’s likely either waves or izotope as they give way more control. Personally I use waves, their clarity pro plugins are amazing, but I know several people who use izotope as well.
The problem is doing it in real time and having it sound halfway decent. The only companies who have managed that is waves and Yamaha, the later of which requires hardware that costs $70k+.
Apparently soldier deaths were gods way of punishing the US for not being more religious or something.
During the era where the Westboro Baptist Church was protesting soldiers funerals, they weren’t allowed to enter private property, but they could be on public property.
One of the guys I went to school with died and we got word that WBC was going to be protesting his funeral. Everyone who could parked on the street that day and took up every public parking area, stores and churches closed their parking lots so they could “repaint” or “resurface”, the local national guard, ems, firefighters, and police, had a coordinated “community outreach” where they shuttled people to the graveyard because we had done such a good job of blocking every parking spot that you would have had to walk for about 6 miles to get to the graveyard. Finally the local biker gang escorted in the hearse and parked at the entrance so when the protesters showed up they just revved their bikes until the protesters left.
We never heard the protesters but we did have to pause the funeral for about 15 minutes until the protesters realized the biker gang wasn’t going to let them be heard.
DM here. Had a classic dungeon crawl going and the party came against some Kuo-Toa. The Kuo-Toa rolled really poorly against the bards major illusion, so now the party are the mouthpieces of the Kuo-Toa god Blibdoolpoolp.
He was old, and didn’t have an easy life before being rescued. I don’t blame him, but it was kind of funny that his standard response was “fuck you”.
My aunt worked as a zoo vet, and was one of the people animal control would call if they found an exotic animal and didn’t know what to do with it. As a result I grew up being able to casually play with several different species of monkeys, as well as an asshole African grey parrot. When I was in high school she even fostered a serval cat for a short time till they could find a more permanent facility.
A self mowing lawnmower, it moved so randomly and was so specific for its operation parameters that I ended up just going back to manually mowing.
According to the patent (US465588A) it should be over.
It’s not supposed to be played without belts, I’ll tell you that much.
Basically, also trains, so many trains.
I beat Factorio without using belts.
No, I’m not a masochist, why do you ask?
They do have a pitch, however because it is percussive as opposed to sustained, we don’t register the pitch as easily. Many will also purposely obfuscate the pitch, such as cymbals, they don’t hold a tone, but rather multiple tones at once, making a washing sound and working for any key. If you ever look at a cymbal you will see the rings and divots around the cymbal, because if they weren’t there it would ring like a bell which definitely has a pitch.
As for the drums themselves they definitely do a have a pitch and it is common for to tune them in fifths, or octaves. Think of a drumline, those drums all have pitches and tones, they also function identically to a traditional drum kit. You can very similarly to the cymbals obfuscate this tone by doing an offset tuning so your drum head resonates unevenly across the head creating multiple tonalities at once.
You can achieve this by being lazy and not tuning.
I’m a professional sound engineer and ex-professional drummer BTW.
Being willing to do manual labor.
I’m a sound engineer, all I need to do is push faders right?
How do you think those speakers got there? Or the cables that are ran to them, or the stage getting setup, or the truck getting unloaded and reloaded? My job is 80% manual labor, 10% pulling random fixes out of my ass, 5% bullshitting, and only 5% actually pushing faders. As a sound engineer I’m only actually behind the console for 2-4 hours a week the rest is all the work required to sit behind the console.
Totally, I’m not buying a new monitor, keyboard, speakers, webcam, or chassis. Just a new CPU and in this case RAM, as we made the switch from DDR4 to DDR5.
Imagine having to buy a new keyboard, mouse, monitor, and speakers, every time you wanted to upgrade your desktop. It’s the same thing.
Probably turn it into a dedicated mini pc for the 3D printer. It’s still decently powerful I just don’t need it anymore. I might gift it to someone as a mini pc, depends on if I see someone who needs a computer but doesn’t have one.
I have been running one for 2 years and next generation am going to do the thing they were designed to do and upgrade my laptop without throwing away the whole laptop. So for less than $1000 I will be upgrading to something that is faster than my desktop, and it’s portable.
The price tag is premium, at first, then it actually saves money.
Well i’m in the .1% for height, I guess that helps me to stand out.