…cause he’s F-A-B-U-LOUS!
…cause he’s F-A-B-U-LOUS!
Management Summary of indoor tech. Zwift gets expensive and frankly can be a bit wanky… sold as this online happy family. Most of the time you’re just in the hurt locker anyway. Try IndieVelo as an alternative. Actively under development, GREAT anti-cheat feature and it’s free (for now). Graphics is a bit dated, but you get over it. Also may I suggest investing in TrainingPeaks as this is the go-to app for people that train (there is a free version with limitations) . Strava is the Facebook of cycling and ads little value other than 'Look at my ride". TrainerRoad is for hardcore trainers that have solid goals. Boring as bat shit so you’ll likely pair it with something like indieVelo or Zwift anyway to beat the boredom. They do have AI FTP, which has pro’s and con’s. (Research is suggesting that FTP is not as good a reflection of Functional Threshold and some coaches only work off Critical Power and Max Aerobic Power) There are many other apps, but I guess these are probably the main one’s. Also most of the value come from Power Meters and trainers. GPLama and DC Rainmaker are the authority on accuracy on this stuff. Research Power Meters and Indoor Trainers on their websites as there are lots of snake oil manufacturers.
Now go and be awesome…
What! No try, catch ()?
I can’t believe governments and companies put such a “price” on people’s health. I must say the news about the US Health System is also echoed by all the other US companies I have dealt with in my professional capacity. Profits before people and sales before outcomes.
I/We avoid using them when we can…
So gambling is how a nation defines itself? Not science or innovation or having the brightest students or the most entrepreneurial business people or producing the most food but gambling on farm yard animals… Wow, that’s weak!
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haha at this point, I’ll be changing into the brown cat burglar suit.
Firefox or Brave for the win. Edge and Chrome are equally bloat/spyware.
Arrogant narcissistic piece of shit. When everyone was suffering he collected a bonus…
The irony is that while Reddit tried to commercialise what it’s users perceive (whether accurately or not) as a community. It’s like your local picnic spot or doggy park that you’ve been going to for years all of a sudden started charging an entry fee. That alienates consumers.
The unfortunate truth is that Reddit could have ended up being a very profitable respected business had the leadership decided to monetise it’s venture in a different model.
Ultimately consumers have had their fill with the perceived corporate greed culture and in this author’s view is the main drive away from Reddit by early adopters to other platforms such as this one.
Time will tell if the middle majority will follow in time.
Hardware & OS is just one side of the story. The fact that it does not support Play Store seems an unwise choice.
Feels like it’s just replacing one locked in eco system for another.
This will cause defiantly cause issues for users that are maybe not as tech savvy. Imagine my nan rolling up to a support kiosk asking for help with the Apps, or asking for that app that all the girls in the bowls club talk on? Yeah nah!
Organisations will view this stack as a bit off the reserve and mostly likely will be hesitant to release APK. I like the App Lounge as another option. People like options, right?
I feel that enabling Goggle Play on the device/OS will bring it as a major mainstream contender. Without it, it will remain in the realm similar to the Linux user base, limited to knowledgeable early adopters and highly proficient users.
It’s called a kilt.
You are right! It’s ALWAYS discipline because motivation only drives you some of the time. Motivation = I want to go Discipline - I have to go even thou I don’t feel motivated.
I hope they kick Putin’s arse! Shows the kinda guy he is. Not only does he screw over his neighbours but also his “friends”.
If you are serious about training, Training Peaks is probably a great alternative. Strava is the Facebook of activity apps so not really great if you’re committed. There is a free plan for TP, but I’m not sure what the limitations are… I pay for it and can track the history of the key metric that matter to me such Power, Heart Rate, Training Zones, Freshness, Power bands etc. There are a LOT of analytical graphs to provide insights into your progress. The key is the more data you collect, the more value there is. i.e. Sleep tracking, weight, HRV, cadence etc.