I now use pocket cast , it’s similar with its simplistically but still different.
Some Awesome Random Guy Tea Pot
I now use pocket cast , it’s similar with its simplistically but still different.
Clearly the semen, as it’s more dense you can fit more semen in a kilogram than salmon.
It’s 2023 things are weird now you just gotta accept it
Is there a smoke signal nearby for us who can’t use the internet?
By far one of my favourites! If you like cce you’ll probably like inheritance machining aswell
Just found inheritance machining , really cool dude who inherited alot of cool metal working tools and is making videos of restoring them and using them.
The penis gets me every time
Took a few goes but this worked well
Huh so it is lol. 6 a month is definitely better than 18 soooo I’m still happy
See I use yt premium but that’s because about 5 ish years ago me and 5 friends did a family deal that meant it was $4 per month each, I did rise to $6 per month a while ago but I still think that it’s a good deal. It’s been grandfathered in so it’s not a deal you can get anymore but if I was to loose that deal for any reason I wouldn’t pay for premium
Yes much more accurate tho it depends on the trucks make and model some are worse than others, this is definitely a good visual though.
Yep facing forward right behind the side mirrors is a big blind spot that most people don’t realise
There are more blind spots than this btw
3 13 hour days…
Maybe we aren’t gatekeeping, maybe this debate is us discussing the movies. Don’t like it scroll on.