Wait, who downvoted this? 😅 I’m not mad, I’m just curious as to how a link to an interview could make someone go, “Nope, this is trash. To the pit of Hades with you.”
Wait, who downvoted this? 😅 I’m not mad, I’m just curious as to how a link to an interview could make someone go, “Nope, this is trash. To the pit of Hades with you.”
I turn my back for a few weeks and this is the sort of shit you guys get up to? 😜
Well… It works, but a couple of notes (mostly to myself, but, experts, feel free to weigh in) for the future:
This is a fantastic article. I’m actually working on a 7th Guest/11th Hour retrospective video (probably because I’ve got Stauf on my brain due to our Kickstarter), and this article is pretty much my go-to reference. I haven’t seen a lot of videos touch on the how’s and why’s of those games — YouTubers seem mostly content with just snarking at the hammy acting and the slow node transitions — and I kinda wanna make a video that explains why that is… while also snarking at the hammy acting and slow node transitions. 😁
Lucy Dreaming is fantastic. I played it on my stream last year with the developer.
An interesting point was brought up by Highbury on Twitter when I mentioned this topic (link to thread) about convenience vs freedom.
What is the purpose of a good UI? Are adventure games about giving the player unlimited freedom to explore (which necessitates more complicated interfaces), or is it about making it easy for the player to navigate the story — at the expense of railroading the player with limited options for interactivity?
Discuss. :)
(I was going to add screenshots of the tweets but I can’t upload images to this board anymore, for some reason… I keep getting json errors.)
Hot take: the verb coin is just LucasArts doing Sierra’s UI but not having it at the top. 😊
<bites tongue, swallows blood>
I’m back to doing videos! Just uploaded this “relaunch” video this morning: https://spectra.video/w/2tPngXp2Z7zVcK6U6QJZzS
Ahh, I didn’t even know that was an option!
Haha, you’re welcome, but I didn’t do nothin’. I just barged into someone else’s place and made myself at home. 😅
That’s my friend Steve’s ex-wife. Not joking.
Ooh, is there a clever way of “tagging” someone like you just did with me? Or do I have to do it the hard way (i.e. go look up your user profile url and write out the markdown each time)? Just typing @cidney@social.city-of-glass.net doesn’t seem to do what I would foolishly assume it would do…
Oh ffs 😂
Happy to be back! 😁
Ah, uh… turns out I can’t upload an avatar. I keep getting a json error. I think it’s because my avatar png is too big. I’ll think of something later. Not a biggie in my book.
You’re a hero!
Good question. I have no idea. I’ll look into it. :)
There’s a way to cheese the burger minigame in SQ4. If the speed starts getting too fast, go up in the control panel and adjust the game’s speed slider. It’ll slow the conveyor belt down.
Also, use the arrow keys. It’ll make your cursor snap to the ingredients, and hitting the Up arrow makes the cursor follow along with the burger.
Will take any excuse to recommend this album: Sybreed - The Pulse of Awakening